»edit your freedom«
►Nboost | |
Creference_wrapper | |
►NBuildhelper | |
CRecord | |
►Nlib | Implementation namespace for support and library code |
►Nallo | |
CAllocationPolicy | Policy Mix-In used to adapt to the ElementFactory and Allocator |
CElementFactory | Generic factory to manage objects within an ArrayBucket storage, delegating to a custom allocator ALO for memory handling |
Cis_Stateless | Metafunction: probe if the given base factory is possibly monostate |
►COwnUniqueAdapter | Adapter to use a generic factory FAC for creating managed object instances with unique ownership |
CStatefulDeleter | < |
►CSetupSeveral | Extension point: how to configure the SeveralBuilder to use an allocator ALO, initialised by ARGS |
CPolicy | |
CSetupSeveral< ALO > | Specialisation: use a monostate allocator type ALO |
►CSetupSeveral< ALO, ALO< X > > | Specialisation: store a C++ standard allocator instance, which can be used to allocate objects of type X |
CPolicy | |
CSetupSeveral< std::void_t, lib::AllocationCluster & > | Specialisation to use lib::Several with storage managed by an AllocationCluster instance, which must be provided as argument |
CStdFactory | < Concepts and Adaptors for custom memory management |
►Nanonymous_namespace{allocation-cluster.cpp} | |
CPolicyInvokeDtor | Special allocator-policy for lib::LinkedElements |
►Nanonymous_namespace{iter-explorer.hpp} | |
C_BaseDetector | Detect or otherwise add BaseAdapter |
C_BaseDetector< SRC, std::void_t< typename SRC::TAG_IterExplorer_BaseAdapter > > | |
C_DecoratorTraits | |
C_DecoratorTraits< ISO &, enable_if< is_base_of< IterSource< typename ISO::value_type >, ISO > > > | |
C_DecoratorTraits< ISO *&, enable_if< is_base_of< IterSource< typename ISO::value_type >, ISO > > > | |
C_DecoratorTraits< ISO *, enable_if< is_base_of< IterSource< typename ISO::value_type >, ISO > > > | |
C_DecoratorTraits< SRC, enable_if< is_StateCore< SRC > > > | |
C_DecoratorTraits< SRC, enable_if< shall_use_Lumiera_Iter< SRC > > > | |
C_DecoratorTraits< SRC, enable_if< shall_wrap_STL_Iter< SRC > > > | |
C_ExpanderTraits | Helper to derive a suitable common type when expanding children |
C_PipelineDetector | Detect if given source was already built by IterExplorer; |
C_PipelineDetector< SRC, std::void_t< typename SRC::TAG_IterExplorer_Src > > | |
C_UnstripAdapter | Detect and remove typical adapter layers added by a preceding IterExplorer usage |
C_UnstripAdapter< COR, std::void_t< typename COR::TAG_CheckedCore_Raw > > | |
Cshall_use_Lumiera_Iter | |
Cshall_wrap_STL_Iter | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{random.cpp} | |
CEntropyNucleus | |
CEternalNucleus | |
►Ncon | |
CExtension | Heap-allocated extension storage for an immutable sequence of literal strings |
►Ndiff | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{mutation-message.hpp} | |
CDiffSnapshot | "materialised view" of the diff sequence |
CMaterialisedDiffBuffer | Decorator to be layered transparently on top of MutationMessage |
►Nanonymous_namespace{test-mutation-target.hpp} | |
CTestWireTap | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{tree-mutator-attribute-binding.hpp} | |
CAttributeBindingBase | Generic behaviour of any binding to object fields (attributes) |
CChangeOperation | |
CMutationOperation | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{tree-mutator-collection-binding.hpp} | |
C_DefaultBinding | Starting point for configuration of a binding to STL container |
C_DefaultBinding< ELM, enable_if< can_wrap_in_GenNode< ELM > > > | |
C_DefaultBinding< GenNode > | Standard configuration to deal with GenNode collections |
C_EmptyBinding | |
CChildCollectionMutator | Attach to collection: Building block for a concrete TreeMutator |
CCollectionBinding | Attach to collection: Concrete binding setup |
CCollectionBindingBuilder | Nested DSL to define the specifics of a collection binding |
CContainerTraits | Helper for uniform treatment of various STL containers |
CContainerTraits< M, IF_is_map< M > > | |
CContainerTraits< V, IF_is_vector< V > > | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{tree-mutator-diffmutable-binding.hpp} | |
C_AccessID | Metaprogramming helper to retrieve the object identity, whenever the target object for the diff defines a getID() function |
C_AccessID< ELM, enable_if< Can_access_ID< ELM > > > | |
C_DefaultBinding< ELM, enable_if< can_recursively_bind_DiffMutable< ELM > > > | Entry Point: Specialisation of the collection binding to work on a collection of DiffMutable objects, either embedded directly, or attached via smart-ptr |
CCan_access_ID | |
Ccan_recursively_bind_DiffMutable | |
►CCan_retrieve_and_compare_ID | Metaprogramming helper to detect if the given target class allows us to build a default »Matcher« automatically |
CProbe | |
CIs_DiffMutable | < Metafunction: does the target implement the DiffMutable interface? |
CIs_wrapped_DiffMutable | < Metafunction: is this a DiffMutable wrapped into a smart-ptr? |
►Nanonymous_namespace{tree-mutator-gen-node-binding.hpp} | |
CObjectTypeHandler | Helper to deal with the magic "object type" attribute |
►Nanonymous_namespace{tree-mutator-listener-binding.hpp} | |
CDetector4StructuralChanges | Decorator for TreeMutator bindings, to fire a listener function when the applied diff describes a relevant change |
►Nanonymous_namespace{tree-mutator-noop-binding.hpp} | |
CBlackHoleMutation | Diff binding for black holes, happily accepting anything |
►Nanonymous_namespace{tree-mutator.hpp} | |
CBuilder | Builder-DSL to create and configure a concrete TreeMutator |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{diff-complex-application-test.cpp} | |
COpaque | Opaque private data structure to apply the diff |
CDiffComplexApplication_test | |
CDiffIgnoreChanges_test | |
CDiffIndexTable_test | |
CDiffListApplication_test | |
CDiffListGeneration_test | |
CDiffTreeApplication_test | |
CDiffTreeApplicationSimple_test | |
CDiffTreeMutationListener_test | |
CGenericRecord_test | |
CGenNode_test | |
CMutationMessage_test | |
CTreeMutator_test | |
CTreeMutatorBinding_test | |
Ccan_wrap_in_GenNode | Metafunction to detect types able to be wrapped into a GenNode |
►CDataCap | |
CLocator | |
Cdefines_custom_BufferSize | |
CDiffApplicationStrategy | Extension point: define how a specific diff language can be applied to elements in a concrete container |
CDiffApplicationStrategy< TAR, enable_if< TreeDiffTraits< TAR > > > | Interpreter for the tree-diff-language to work on arbitrary opaque target data structures |
CDiffApplicationStrategy< vector< E, ARGS... > > | Concrete strategy to apply a list diff to a target sequence given as vector |
CDiffApplicator | Generic builder to apply a diff description to a given target data structure |
►CDiffDetector | Detect and describe changes in a monitored data sequence |
CDiffFrame | A diff generation process is built on top of an "old" reference point and a "new" state of the underlying sequence |
►CDiffLanguage | Definition frame for a language to describe differences in data structures |
CDiffStep | |
CDiffMutable | Marker or capability interface: an otherwise not further disclosed data structure, which can be transformed through "tree diff messages" |
CDiffStepBuilder | Generator to produce specific language tokens |
Cexposes_MutatorBuilder | Helper to detect presence of a TreeMutator builder function |
►CGenNode | Generic data element node within a tree |
CID | |
CIDComparator | Allow for storage in ordered containers, ordering based on the human-readable ID within the GenNode |
CScopeExplorer | Building block for monad-like depth-first expansion of a GenNode |
CScopeExplorerIterator | |
CIndexTable | Data snapshot and lookup table |
CInterpreterScheme | < base case is to expect typedef I::Val |
CInterpreterScheme< HandlerFun< I, E > > | < alternatively derive value and interpreter from a Handler binding |
CInterpreterScheme< IP< E > > | < alternatively, the interpreter value type can be templated |
CListDiffInterpreter | Interpreter interface to define the operations ("verbs"), which describe differences or changes in a given list of data elements |
CListDiffLanguage | |
CMutationMessage | Opaque message to effect a structural change on a target, which is likewise only known in an abstract way, as being specifically structured |
►CRecord | Object-like record of data |
CMutator | |
CRecordRef | Wrapped record reference |
CRecordSetup | |
CRecordSetup< GenNode > | Define actual data storage and access types used |
CRecordSetup< string > | Type configuration (extension point) |
CRef | Constructor for a specially crafted 'ref GenNode' |
CScopeManager | Management interface to deal with storage for TreeMutators dedicated to nested scopes |
CStackScopeManager | Typical standard implementation of the ScopeManager |
CTestMutationTarget | Test adapter to watch and verify how the TreeMutator binds to custom tree data structures |
CTreeDiffInterpreter | Interpreter interface to define the operations ("verbs"), which describe differences or changes in hierarchical data structure |
CTreeDiffLanguage | |
CTreeDiffMutatorBinding | Implementation of the tree-diff-language to work on arbitrary tree-like data |
CTreeDiffTraits | |
►CTreeDiffTraits< TAR, enable_if< exposes_MutatorBuilder< TAR > > > | |
CWrapper | |
CTreeDiffTraits< TAR, enable_if< is_base_of< DiffMutable, TAR > > > | |
CTreeMutator | Customisable intermediary to abstract mutating operations on arbitrary, hierarchical object-like data |
CTreeMutatorSizeTraits | Heuristics to guide the allocation for nested TreeMutator |
CTreeMutatorSizeTraits< TAR, enable_if< defines_custom_BufferSize< TAR > > > | |
►Ndot_gen | |
CCode | Markup to generate a piece of code |
CDotOut | Helper to collect DOT-Graphviz code for output |
CNode | Generate a Node name or a node_statement defining attributes of that node |
CScope | Accumulator to collect nodes grouped into a scope |
CSection | Accumulator to collect lines of DOT code |
►Nfactory | |
►CBuild | Policy: use a custom functor to finish the generated product |
CWrapper | |
CBuildRefcountPtr | Wrapper taking ownership, by wrapping into smart-ptr |
CFab | Table of registered production functions for MultiFact |
CFabConfig | |
CFabConfig< RET(ARGS...), Wrapper > | |
►CMultiFact | Factory for creating a family of objects by ID |
CSingleton | Convenience shortcut for automatically setting up a production line, to fabricate a singleton instance of the given implementation target type (IMP) |
CPassAsIs | Dummy "wrapper", to perform the fabrication and return the unaltered product |
►Ngnuplot_gen | |
►Nhash | Hash implementations usable for the HashIndexed mixin as well as key within std::unordered_map |
CLuidH | Hash implementation based on a lumiera unique object id (LUID) When invoking the default ctor, a new LUID is generated |
CPlain | Simple Hash implementation directly incorporating the hash value |
►Nidi | Identification Schemes |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{entry-id-test.cpp} | |
CDummy | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{generic-id-function-test.cpp} | |
CSome | |
CThing | |
CEntryID_test | |
CGenericIdFunction_test | |
CTypedID_test | |
►CBareEntryID | Type erased baseclass for building a combined hash and symbolic ID |
CUseEmbeddedHash | Using BareEntryID derived objects as keys within std::unordered_map |
CEntryID | Typed symbolic and hash ID for asset-like position accounting |
CRandID | Entry-ID with a symbolic tag but just a plain random hash part |
►Niter | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{iter-chain-search.hpp} | |
C_IterChainSetup | |
►Ntest | |
CIterChainSearch_test | |
CCursorGear | |
CIndexAccessCore | Implementation of a »IterStateCore« to access the container through an embedded index variable |
CIterChainSearch | Iterator based linear search mechanism, with the ability to perform consecutive search with backtracking |
CIterDequeStorage | Wrapper to mark a std::deque instance for use as "state core" within lib::IterStateWrapper |
CProductCore | Building block for a tupeled-iterator |
►Niter_explorer | |
►C_FunTraits | |
CArgAdapter | Adapt to a functor, which accesses the source iterator or embedded "state core" |
CArgAdapter< IT, enable_if< __and_< is_base_of< IterSource< typename IT::value_type >, typename IT::Source >, is_base_of< IterSource< typename IT::value_type >, remove_reference_t< Arg > > > > > | Adapt to a functor collaborating with an IterSource based iterator pipeline |
CArgAdapter< IT, enable_if< __and_< is_convertible< iter::Yield< IT >, Arg >, __not_< is_convertible< IT, Arg > > > > > | Adapt to a functor, which accepts the value type of the source sequence ("monadic" usage pattern) |
CFunDetector | Handle all regular "function-like" entities |
CFunDetector< F, disable_if< _Fun< F > > > | Handle a generic lambda, accepting a reference to the SRC iterator |
C_ReduceTraits | |
CAutoExpander | |
CBaseAdapter | |
CChildExpandableSource | Interface to indicate and expose the ability for child expansion |
CExpander | |
CFilter | |
CGroupAggregator | |
►CGrouping | |
CBuffer | |
CIterSourceIter | Adapt an IterSource to make it iterable |
CMutableFilter | |
CPackagedIterExplorerSource | |
CScheduledExpander | |
CStlRange | Adapt STL compliant container |
CStlRange< CON & > | |
CStlRange< const CON > | |
CStopTrigger | |
CTransformer | |
►Niter_source | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{iter-source.hpp} | |
C_IterT | |
C_MapT | |
C_PairIterT | |
C_RangeT | |
C_SeqT | |
C_TransformIterT | |
►Niter_stl | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{iter-adapter-stl.hpp} | |
C_MapIterT | |
C_MapSubSelector | Helper to access the parts of the pair values correctly.. |
C_MapSubSelector< IT, SEL const & > | Especially for const iterators we need to use const& and const* |
C_MapT | |
C_MapTypeSelector | |
C_MapTypeSelector< const MAP > | |
C_SeqT | |
C_SeqT< const SEQ > | |
CDistinctIter | Helper to filter repeated values from a wrapped iterator (both STL or Lumiera) |
CIterSnapshot | Materialised iterator contents |
CWrapped_Identity | Wrapped-Iter-Policy: forwarding directly with typing retained unaltered |
CWrapped_PickConstVal | |
CWrapped_PickKey | Wrapped-Iter-Policy: picking the key part of a pair iterator (map or multimap) |
CWrapped_PickVal | Wrapped-Iter-Policy: picking the value part of a pair iterator (map or multimap) |
CWrappedStlIter | Helper baseclass to simplify defining customised wrapped STL iterators |
►Nlinked_elements | |
CNoOwnership | Policy for LinkedElements: never create or destroy any elements, only allow to add already existing nodes |
COwningAllocated | < allocation policies for the LinkedElements list container |
►Nmeta | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{configflags.hpp} | |
CmaxC | Helper comparing enum values and flags |
►Nanonymous_namespace{function.hpp} | |
C_DetectSingleArgFunction | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{tuple-helper.hpp} | |
CBuildTupleType | |
CBuildTupleType< Node< H, TAIL > > | |
CBuildTupleType< NullType > | |
CBuildTupleType< Types< TYPES... > > | Temporary workaround: strip trailing NullType entries prior to rebinding to the std::tuple type |
CBuildTupleType< TySeq< TYPES... > > | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{tuple-record-init.hpp} | |
►CGenNodeAccessor | |
Callow_Conversion | |
CConverter | |
CConverterBase | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{util.hpp} | |
C_DetectNested_TypeResult | |
C_ExtractFirst | |
C_ExtractFirst< X, XS... > | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{value-type-binding.hpp} | |
►Chas_nested_ValueTypeBindings | |
CProbe | |
Cuse_ValueTypebindings | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{variadic-helper.hpp} | |
CSelectOrInit | |
CSelectOrInit< false, DEFAULT, idx > | |
CSelectVararg | |
CSelectVararg< 0 > | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{virtual -copy-support.hpp} | |
Csupports_cloning | |
Csupports_copy_and_assignment | |
Csupports_only_move | |
►Nfunc | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{function-closure.hpp} | |
C_Chain | |
C_Clo | |
C_PapE | |
C_PapS | |
C_Sig | |
CApply | This Helper with repetitive specialisations for up to nine arguments is used either to apply a function to arguments given as a tuple, or to create the actual closure (functor) over all function arguments |
CApply< 0 > | < Apply function without Arguments |
CApply< 1 > | < Apply function with 1 Argument |
CApply< 2 > | < Apply function with 2 Arguments |
CApply< 3 > | < Apply function with 3 Arguments |
CApply< 4 > | < Apply function with 4 Arguments |
CApply< 5 > | < Apply function with 5 Arguments |
CApply< 6 > | < Apply function with 6 Arguments |
CApply< 7 > | < Apply function with 7 Arguments |
CApply< 8 > | < Apply function with 8 Arguments |
CApply< 9 > | < Apply function with 9 Arguments |
►CPartiallyInitTuple | Builder for a tuple instance, where only some ctor parameters are supplied, while the remaining arguments will be default constructed |
CIndexMapper | |
CIndexMapper< idx, false > | |
CPlaceholderTuple | Build a list of standard function argument placeholder types |
CPlaceholderTuple< Node< X, TAIL >, i > | |
CPlaceholderTuple< NullType, i > | |
CBindToArgument | Bind a specific argument to an arbitrary value |
CFunctionClosure | Closing a function over its arguments |
CPApply | Partial function application Takes a function and a value tuple, using the latter to close function arguments either from the front (left) or aligned to the end of the function argument list |
CTupleApplicator | Closure-creating template |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{config-flags-test.cpp} | |
CIndeed | |
CMaybe | Type which is only partially defined, for some configs |
CMaybe< Conf1 > | |
CMaybe< Conf3 > | |
CMaybe< Config< TWO, Fl > > | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{duck-detector-extension-test.cpp} | |
CCheesy | |
CFishy | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{duck-detector-test.cpp} | |
CPropaganda | |
CPropperGander | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{function-signature-test.cpp} | |
CFunctor | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{generator-combinations-test.cpp} | |
CTestCase | A Test-Template to be instantiated for all possible combinations of the {Types1} x {Types2} |
CTestCase< void, void, NullType > | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{iterable-classification-test.cpp} | |
CTestSource | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{type-display-test.cpp} | |
►COuter | |
CInner | |
CSpace | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{typelist-diagnostics.hpp} | |
CNullP | |
CPrinter | Debugging template, printing the "number" used for instantiation on ctor call |
CPrinter< Config< f1, f2, f3, f4, f5 >, BASE > | |
CPrinter< Flag< Fl >, BASE > | < display the presence of a Flag in the typelist |
CPrinter< int, BASE > | < display the presence of a plain int in the typelist |
CPrinter< Node< TY, TYPES >, BASE > | Specialisation for debug-printing of a nested sublist |
CPrinter< NullType, BASE > | |
CPrinter< Num< I >, BASE > | < display the presence of a Num instance in the typelist |
►Nanonymous_namespace{value-type-binding-test.cpp} | |
►COuter | |
CInner | |
CSpace | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{variadic-argument-picker-test.cpp} | |
CN | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{virtual -copy-support-test.cpp} | |
CCopyInterface | Interface for the Virtual copy operations |
CInterface | The official Interface for our test class hierarchy |
CNoncopyable | |
COnlyMovable | |
COpaque | |
CRegular | |
CSub | Implementation class with "special" memory layout |
CUnAssignable | |
CBaseImpl | |
CBlock | Template for generating lots of different test types |
CBuildEmptyFunctor | |
CBuildEmptyFunctor< Efun > | |
CChain | |
CChain< Node< H, T >, P > | |
►CConfigFlags_test | |
CTestFactory | |
CTestVisitor | |
CDoIt | Use this building block for chaining corresponding implementation classes |
CDuckDetector_test | |
CDuckDetectorExtension_test | |
CFunctionClosure_test | |
CFunctionComposition_test | |
CFunctionErasure_test | |
CFunctionSignature_test | |
CGeneratorCombinations_test | |
CIterableClassification_test | |
CLateBindInstance_test | |
►CMetaUtils_test | |
CSomehowStringy | |
CSomehowSubSub | |
CSomehowSubtle | |
CSomething | |
CSubString | |
►COuter | |
CInner | |
CSpace | |
CTakeIt | Use this building block for assembling an abstract interface |
CTupleHelper_test | |
CTupleRecordInit_test | |
CTypeDemangling_test | |
CTypeDisplay_test | |
CTypeList_test | |
CTypeListGenerator_test | |
►CTypeListManip_test | |
CAddConst2 | |
CAddConst2< Num< I > > | |
CIsEven | |
CIsEven< Num< I > > | |
CTypeListUtil_test | |
CTypeSeqManipl_test | |
CValueTypeBinding_test | |
CVariadicArgumentPicker_test | |
CVirtualCopySupport_test | |
CZero | |
C_Fun | Helper for uniform access to function signature types |
C_Fun< FUN(C::*)> | Allow also to probe plain member fields, which may hold a functor |
C_Fun< FUN, enable_if< has_FunctionOperator< FUN > > > | Specialisation for function objects and lambdas |
C_Fun< RET(ARGS...) noexcept > | Specialisation to strip noexcept from the signature |
C_Fun< RET(ARGS...)> | Specialisation for a bare function signature |
C_Fun< RET(C::*)(ARGS...) const > | Specialisation to handle member pointer to const function; indirectly this specialisation also handles lambdas, as redirected by the main template (via decltype ) |
C_Fun< RET(C::*)(ARGS...) noexcept > | Specialisation to deal with member pointer to noexcept function |
C_Fun< RET(C::*)(ARGS...)> | Specialisation to deal with member pointer to function |
C_Fun< SIG & > | Specialisation when using a function reference |
C_Fun< SIG && > | Specialisation for passing a rvalue reference |
C_Fun< SIG * > | Specialisation for using a function pointer |
C_Fun< SIG const & > | Specialisation to strip spurious const for type analysis |
CAppend | Append lists-of-types |
CAppend< Node< TY, TYPES >, NullType > | |
CAppend< Node< TY, TYPES >, TAIL > | |
CAppend< NullType, Node< TY, TYPES > > | |
CAppend< NullType, NullType > | |
CAppend< NullType, TY2 > | |
CAppend< TY1, NullType > | |
CApply | Apply a transformation (template) to each type in the list |
CApply< Node< TY, TYPES >, _TRANS_ > | |
CBuildConfigFromFlags | Build a configuration type from a list-of-flags |
CBuildConfigFromFlags< Node< Flag< Fl >, FLAGS >, CONF > | |
CBuildFunType | Build function types from given Argument types |
CBuildFunType< RET, Types< A1 > > | |
CBuildFunType< RET, Types< A1, A2 > > | |
CBuildFunType< RET, Types< A1, A2, A3 > > | |
CBuildFunType< RET, Types< A1, A2, A3, A4 > > | |
CBuildFunType< RET, Types< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 > > | |
CBuildFunType< RET, Types< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 > > | |
CBuildFunType< RET, Types< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 > > | |
CBuildFunType< RET, Types< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 > > | |
CBuildFunType< RET, Types< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9 > > | |
CBuildFunType< RET, Types<> > | |
CBuildIdxIter | Build a sequence of index numbers based on a type sequence |
CBuildIdxIter< Types< TYPES... > > | Build an index number sequence from a type sequence |
CBuildIndexSeq | Build regular sequences of index number e.g |
CBuildIndexSeq< 0 > | |
CBuildTupleAccessor | Decorating a tuple type with auxiliary data access operations |
CBuildTupleAccessor< _X_, Types<>, TUP, i > | |
►Ccan_convertToString | Detect possibility of a conversion to string |
CProbe | |
Ccan_IterForEach | Trait template to detect a type usable immediately as "Lumiera Forward Iterator" in a specialised for-each loop This is just a heuristic, based on some common properties of such iterators; it is enough to distinguish it from an STL container, but can certainly be refined |
Ccan_lexical2string | Types able to be lexically converted to string representation |
Ccan_StandIn | Verify the first (special) type can stand-in for the second |
►Ccan_STL_backIteration | Trait template to detect a type also supporting STL-style backwards iteration |
Cis_backIterable | |
Cis_const_backIterable | |
Cis_const_noexcept_backIterable | |
Cis_noexcept_backIterable | |
►Ccan_STL_ForEach | Trait template to detect a type usable with the STL for-each loop |
Cis_const_iterable | |
Cis_const_noexcept_iterable | |
Cis_iterable | |
Cis_noexcept_iterable | |
Ccan_STL_ForEach< std::unordered_map< KEY, VAL, HASH > > | Std hashtable(s) are notoriously difficult to handle when it comes to detecting capabilities by metaprogramming, because the're built up from a generic baseclass and especially inherit their iterator-types as template specialisations |
CCartesianProduct | |
CCloneSupport | |
CCombine | Build all possible combinations, based on a enumeration of the basic cases |
CCombine< Node< TY, TYPES >, _ENUM_ > | |
CCombine< NullType, _ENUM_ > | |
CCombineFlags | Generate all possible on-off combinations of the given flags |
CCommonResultYield | Decision helper to select between returning results by value or reference |
CCommonResultYield< T1, T2, true > | |
CComparator | Trait template for invoking equality comparison |
CCondNode | Conditional node: skip an element based on evaluating a predicate |
CCondNode< true, T, TAIL > | |
CConfig | < distinct type representing a configuration |
CConfigSetFlag | |
CConfigSetFlag< Fl, Config< f1, f2, f3, f4, IGN > > | Set (prepend) the Flag to the given config |
CConstAll | Build a list of const types from a given typelist |
CConstAll< Node< TY, TYPES > > | |
CConstAll< NullType > | |
CCopySupport | Policy to pick a suitable implementation of "virtual copy operations" |
CCopySupport< X, enable_if< supports_cloning< X > > > | |
CCopySupport< X, enable_if< supports_copy_and_assignment< X > > > | |
CCopySupport< X, enable_if< supports_only_move< X > > > | |
Ccount | Metafunction counting the number of Types in the collection |
Ccount< Node< TY, TYPES > > | |
Ccount< NullType > | |
CCountDown | Helper for generating test lists |
CCountDown< Num< 0 > > | |
CCountDown< Num< I > > | |
CDefineConfigByFlags | Create a configuration type for the given list-of-flags |
CDissect | Allows to access various parts of a given typelist: Start and End, Prefix and Tail.. |
CDissect< Node< T, TYPES > > | |
CDissect< NullType > | |
CDistribute | Build a list-of lists, where each element of the first arg list gets in turn prepended to all elements of the second arg list |
CDistribute< Node< TY, TYPES >, TAIL > | |
CDistribute< NullType, TY > | |
CElementExtractor | Generic converter to somehow extract values from the "source" type to fill and initialise a tuple of given target type |
►CElementExtractor< lib::diff::Rec, std::tuple< TYPES... > > | Concrete specialisation to build a std::tuple from a sequence of GenNode elements, with run-time type compatibility check |
CAccess | |
CEmptyBase | |
Cenable_if_c | |
Cenable_if_c< false, T > | |
CFilter | Filter away those types which don't fulfil a predicate metafunction |
CFilter< Node< TY, TYPES >, _P_ > | |
CFilter< NullType, _P_ > | |
CFlag | |
CFlag< 0 > | |
CFlagInfo | Helper for calculating values and for invoking runtime code based on a given FlagTuple |
CFlagInfo< Node< CONF, TAIL > > | |
CFlagInfo< Node< Flag< ff >, FLAGS > > | |
CFlagInfo< NullType > | |
CFlagOnOff | Enumeration generator for the Combine metafunction, yielding an "on" and "off" case |
CFlags | |
CFullCopySupport | |
CFunErasure | Generic wrapper carrying a function object while hiding the actual function signature |
►Chas_FunctionOperator | Trait template to detect presence of a simple function call operator |
CProbe | |
Chas_Sig | Meta-function to check that some function like entity offers the expected signature |
Chas_Sig< FUN, X, false > | Catch-all to prevent compilation failure for anything not function-like |
Chas_TypeResult | Helper to check if another metafunction produced a result type |
CIndexSeq | Hold a sequence of index numbers as template parameters |
CInheritFrom | Helper to just inherit from the given type(s) |
CInstancePlaceholder | Placeholder marker for a special argument position to be supplied later |
CInstantiateChained | Build a single inheritance chain of template instantiations |
CInstantiateChained< Node< TY, TYPES >, _X_, BASE > | |
CInstantiateChained< NullType, _X_, BASE > | |
CInstantiateChainedCombinations | Build a Case matrix |
CInstantiateForEach | Apply a template to a collection of types |
CInstantiateForEach< Node< TY, TYPES >, _X_, BASE > | |
CInstantiateForEach< NullType, _X_, BASE > | |
CInstantiateWithIndex | A Variation of InstantiateChained providing an incremented Index value template parameter |
CInstantiateWithIndex< Node< TY, TYPES >, _X_, BASE, i > | |
CInstantiateWithIndex< NullType, _X_, BASE, i > | |
Cis_basically | Compare for unadorned base type, disregarding const and references |
Cis_basicallySame | Compare unadorned types, disregarding const and references |
Cis_narrowingInit | Temporary workaround for GCC [Bug-63723], necessary until CGG-5 |
Cis_narrowingInit< lib::hash::LuidH, TAR > | |
Cis_nonFloat | |
Cis_smart_ptr | Detect smart pointers |
Cis_smart_ptr< std::shared_ptr< T > > | |
Cis_smart_ptr< std::unique_ptr< T, D > > | |
Cis_StateCore | Trait template to detect a type exposing a »state core« API |
Cis_StreamSource | |
Cis_StringLike | Detect various flavours of string / text data |
Cis_Subclass | Verify compliance to an interface by subtype check |
Cis_Tuple | Trait to detect tuple types |
Cis_Tuple< const std::tuple< TYPES... > > | |
Cis_Tuple< std::tuple< TYPES... > > | |
Cis_Typelist | Trait template for detecting a typelist type |
CIsInList | Metafunction to check if a specific type is contained in a given typelist |
CIsInList< TY, Node< TY, TYPES > > | |
CIsInList< TY, Node< XX, TYPES > > | |
CMarked | Metaprogramming helper to mark some arbitrary base type by subclassing |
CmaxAlign | Metafunction " max( alignof(T) ) for T in TYPES " |
CmaxAlign< Node< TY, TYPES > > | |
CmaxAlign< NullType > | |
CmaxSize | Metafunction " max( sizeof(T) ) for T in TYPES " |
CmaxSize< Node< TY, TYPES > > | |
CmaxSize< NullType > | |
CMoveSupport | |
CNo_t | |
CNoCopyMoveSupport | |
CNode | |
CNoInstance | An Entity never to be instantiated |
CNoUsableHashDefinition | |
CNullType | |
CNum | Constant-wrapper type for debugging purposes, usable for generating lists of distinguishable types |
CNumz | Dummy interface / baseclass for diagnostics |
CPick | Pick the n-th element from a typelist |
CPick< Node< TY, TYPES >, 0 > | |
CPick< Node< TY, TYPES >, i > | |
CPick< Types< TYPES... >, i > | Specialisation: pick n-th element from a type sequence |
►CPickParametersFromSublist | |
CSingleCaseInstantiation | |
CPrefixAll | Prefix each of the elements, yielding a list-of lists-of-types |
CPrefixAll< T, Node< TY, TYPES > > | |
CPrefixAll< T, NodeNull > | |
CPrefixAll< T, NullType > | |
CPrepend | Helper: prepend a type to an existing type sequence, thus shifting all elements within the sequence to the right, eventually dropping the last element |
CPrepend< T, TySeq< TYPES... > > | Temporary workaround: additional specialisation for the template Prepend to work also with the (alternative) variadic TySeq |
CPrepend< T01, Types< T02, T03, T04, T05, T06, T07, T08, T09, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, IGN > > | |
Cprovides_BoostHashFunction | Trait template to detect if some custom type TY provides a boost compliant hash function through ADL |
CRebindTupleTypes | Temporary workaround: match and rebind the type sequence from a tuple |
CRebindTupleTypes< std::tuple< TYPES... > > | |
CRebindVariadic | Metaprogramming helper to transfer variadic arguments |
CRebindVariadic< X, U< ARGS... > > | |
CRefTraits | Type definition helper for pointer and reference types |
CRefTraits< TY & > | |
CRefTraits< TY && > | |
CRefTraits< TY * > | |
CShifted | Helper: generate a type sequence left shifted by i steps, filling in NullType at the end |
CShifted< TYPES, 0 > | |
►CSizeTrait | A collection of constants to describe the expected size of some known classes, without needing to include the respective headers |
CBasicAltstringbuf | |
CBasicStringbuf | |
CBoostFormat | |
CCompatAllocator | |
CLocale | |
COptional | |
CSplice | Splice a typelist like an overlay into an base typelist, starting at given index |
CSplice< Node< B, BS >, Node< O, OS >, 0 > | |
CSplice< Node< B, BS >, NullType, 0 > | |
CSplice< Node< B, BS >, OVERLAY, i > | |
CSplice< NullType, XX, i > | |
CSplit | Helper: separate parts of a type sequence |
CSplit< Types< T01, T02, T03, T04, T05, T06, T07, T08, T09, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20 > > | |
CSplitLast | Access the last list element |
CSplitLast< Node< TY, NullType > > | |
CSplitLast< Node< TY, TYPES > > | |
CSplitLast< NullType > | |
CStoreFunction | Policy for FunErasure: store an embedded std::function Using this policy allows to store arbitrary complex functor objects embedded within a neutral container and retrieving them later type-safe |
CStoreFunPtr | Policy for FunErasure: store a bare function pointer |
CStoreUncheckedFunPtr | Policy for FunErasure: store an unchecked bare function pointer |
CStrip | Helper for type analysis: tries to strip all kinds of type adornments |
CStripNullType | Temporary workaround: strip trailing NullType entries from a type sequence, to make it compatible with new-style variadic template definitions |
CStripNullType< Types< NullType, TYPES... > > | |
CStripNullType< Types< T, TYPES... > > | |
CTupleConstructor | Extensible Adapter to construct a distinct tuple from some arbitrary source type |
CTupleElementDisplayer | Helper to dump tuple contents |
CTupleElementDisplayer< NullType, TUP, TUP, n > | |
CTypes | |
CTypes< Node< H, T > > | Additional specialisation of the basic type sequence type, allowing to re-create a (flat) type sequence from a typelist |
CTypes<> | |
CTySeq | Temporary workaround: alternative definition of "type sequence", already using variadic template parameters |
CUnwrap | Helper for type analysis and convenience accessors: attempts to extract a base type from various wrappers |
CUnwrap< boost::reference_wrapper< X > > | |
CUnwrap< P< X, B > > | |
CUnwrap< std::reference_wrapper< X > > | |
CUnwrap< std::shared_ptr< X > > | |
CUnwrap< std::unique_ptr< X, D > > | |
CUnwrap< void > | < |
CUnwrap< X * > | |
Cuse_LexicalConversion | |
Cuse_StringConversion4Stream | When to use custom string conversions for output streams |
CValueTypeBinding | Type re-binding helper template for creating nested typedefs usable by custom containers and iterator adapters or similar |
CValueTypeBinding< TY, enable_if< use_ValueTypebindings< TY > > > | Specialisation for classes providing STL style type binding definitions |
CValueTypeBinding< vector< Scope >::const_reverse_iterator > | This explicit specialisation allows to build a RangeIter to yield const Scope elements, based on the const_reverse_iterator used internally within ScopePath |
CVirtualCopySupportInterface | |
►Npolyvalue | |
Callow_Clone_but_no_Copy | Helper to detect if the API supports only copy construction, but no assignment |
CAssignmentPolicy | Policy class for invoking the assignment operator |
CAssignmentPolicy< API, enable_if< allow_Clone_but_no_Copy< API > > > | Special case when the embedded payload objects permit copy construction, but no assignment to existing instances |
CCloneValueSupport | A variation for limited copy support |
CCopySupport | Interface for active support of copy operations by the embedded client objects |
CEmptyBase | |
Cexposes_CloneFunction | Helper to detect presence of a function to support clone operations |
CTrait | Trait template to deal with different ways to support copy operations |
CTrait< TY, enable_if< exposes_CloneFunction< TY > > > | Special case when the embedded types support copying on the API level, e.g |
►Nquery | |
►Ntest | |
CQueryUtils_test | |
CThing | |
►Nrandom_draw | |
CLimitedRandomGenerate | Default policy for RandomDraw: generate limted-range random numbers |
►Nseveral | |
CArrayBucket | Metadata record placed immediately before the data storage |
CSelfDestructor | |
►Nsplitsplice | |
►CAlgo | Implementation of »SplitSplice« algorithm |
CSegBounds | |
►Nstat | |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{data-csv-test.cpp} | |
CTableForm | Define the layout of a data row |
CDataCSV_test | |
CFileSupport_test | |
CStatistic_test | |
CColumn | Descriptor and Accessor for a data column within a DataTable table |
CCSVData | Wrapper to simplify notation in tests |
CCSVLine | A string with the ability to construct or append the CSV-rendering of data fields |
CCsvParser | Parser to split one line of CSV data into fields |
CDataSpan | Read-only view into a segment within a sequence of data |
CDataTable | Table with data values, stored persistently as CSV file |
CRegressionPoint | Single data point used for linear regression |
►Nsync | Helpers and building blocks for Monitor based synchronisation |
CCondition | |
CMonitor | Object Monitor for synchronisation and waiting |
CNoLocking | |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{allocation-cluster-test.cpp} | |
CDummy | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{builder-qualifier-support-test.cpp} | |
CExampleStrategy | Example "strategy" class, which can be configured with additional qualifiers at construction |
►Nanonymous_namespace{call-queue-test.cpp} | |
CDummy | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{del-stash-test.cpp} | |
CProbe | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{dependency-configuration-test.cpp} | |
CDum | |
CDummy | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{dependency-factory-test.cpp} | |
CSub | |
CSubSub | |
CSubSubDub | |
CSubSubSub | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{iter-adapter-test.cpp} | |
CTestContainer | Example of a more elaborate custom container exposing an iteration API |
CWrappedVector | Example of simply wrapping an STL container and exposing a range as Lumiera Forward Iterator |
►Nanonymous_namespace{iter-core-adapter-test.cpp} | |
CStepDown | A test »*State Core*« which steps down a number to zero |
►Nanonymous_namespace{iter-explorer-test.cpp} | |
CCountDown | This iteration _"state core" type_ describes a descending sequence of numbers yet to be delivered |
CNumberSequence | A straight descending number sequence as basic test iterator |
CRandomSeq | Another iteration _"state core"_ to produce a sequence of random numbers |
►Nanonymous_namespace{iter-source-test.cpp} | |
CTestSource | Explicit implementation of the IterSource interface (test dummy) Creates a random string and chops off a character on each iteration |
CWrappedList | Test dummy: simply wrapping an STL container and exposing a range as Lumiera Forward Iterator |
►Nanonymous_namespace{itertools-test.cpp} | |
CTestSource | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{linked-elements-test.cpp} | |
CNum | To demonstrate holding subclasses |
CNummy | Test-Element, supporting intrusive linked list storage |
CNummyGenerator | Helper to produce a pre-determined series of objects to populate a LinkedElements list |
CPopulator | Iterator-Frontend to generate this series of objects |
►Nanonymous_namespace{multifact-argument-test.cpp} | |
CNum | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{multifact-singleton-test.cpp} | |
CImplementation | |
CInterface | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{multifact-test.cpp} | |
CImplementation | |
CInterface | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{null-value-test.cpp} | |
CDummyType | Test dummy to track ctor call |
►Nanonymous_namespace{opaque-holder-test.cpp} | |
CBase | |
CDD | |
CSpecial | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{opaque-unchecked-buffer-test.cpp} | |
CBase | |
CD42Sub | |
CDD | |
CKiller | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{polymorphic-value-test.cpp} | |
CImp | Template to generate concrete implementation classes |
CInterface | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{random-draw-test.cpp} | |
►CSymmetricFive | |
CAdaptor | Adaptor to handle further mapping functions |
CAdaptor< RES(size_t, double)> | Inject external contextual state into a mapping function |
CAdaptor< RES(uint, uint)> | Allow a mapping function rely on quantisation cycles |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ref-array-test.cpp} | |
CI | |
CSub1 | |
CSub2 | |
CSub3 | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{scoped-collection-test.cpp} | |
CSubDummy | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{scoped-holder-transfer-test.cpp} | |
CFixedDummy | |
CTable | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{several-builder-test.cpp} | |
CNum | Instance tracking sub-dummy |
CShortBlocker | A non-copyable struct with 16bit alignment |
►Nanonymous_namespace{simple-allocator-test.cpp} | |
CDummyObj | Yet-another ctor/dtor-tracking test dummy object... |
►Nanonymous_namespace{split-splice-test.cpp} | |
CSeg | Test Dummy: a "segment" representing an integer interval |
CSegL | Test-Segmentation comprised of a sequence of Seg entries |
►Nanonymous_namespace{sync-barrier-performance-test.cpp} | |
CFakeBarrier | Empty placeholder implementation |
CMonitorSync | A Monitor based reference implementation, using Mutex + Condition Variable for sleeping wait |
►Nanonymous_namespace{sync-barrier-test.cpp} | |
CTestThread | A test thread to perform a summation protocol including synchronisation points |
►Nanonymous_namespace{sync-locking-test.cpp} | |
CChecker | Helper to verify a contended chain calculation |
►Nanonymous_namespace{sync-waiting-test.cpp} | |
CSyncOnBool | Demonstrates how to wait on a simple boolean flag |
►Nanonymous_namespace{test-helper.hpp} | |
CTypeDiagnostics | |
CTypeDiagnostics< const X * > | |
CTypeDiagnostics< const X *const > | |
CTypeDiagnostics< const X > | |
CTypeDiagnostics< X & > | |
CTypeDiagnostics< X && > | |
CTypeDiagnostics< X * > | |
CTypeDiagnostics< X *const * > | |
CTypeDiagnostics< X *const > | |
CTypeDiagnostics< X const & > | |
CTypeDiagnostics< X const && > | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{tracking-allocator.cpp} | |
CPoolRegistry | Keep track of any distinct memory pools used |
►Nanonymous_namespace{typed-allocation-manager-test.cpp} | |
CDummyObj | Yet-another ctor/dtor-tracking test dummy object... |
►Nanonymous_namespace{vector-transfer-test.cpp} | |
CTransDummy | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{verb-function-dispatch-test.cpp} | |
CReceiver | "visitor" interface to invoke |
CRecollectingReceiver | Statefull receiver of verb-tokens |
CVerboseRenderer | Receiver of verb-tokens, which renders them verbosely |
►Nanonymous_namespace{verb-visitor-dispatch-test.cpp} | |
CDiagnosticRenderer | Another concrete receiver to report any invocation with arguments |
CReceiver | "visitor" interface used by all VerbPacks in this test |
CVerboseRenderer | Concrete receiver of verb-tokens, which renders them verbosely |
►Nmicrobenchmark | |
CAdaptor | |
CAdaptor< ON(IN), enable_if< __and_< is_arithmetic< IN >, __not_< is_same< IN, size_t > >, is_arithmetic< ON >, __not_< is_same< ON, size_t > > > > > | |
CAdaptor< ON(void), enable_if< __and_< is_arithmetic< ON >, __not_< is_same< ON, size_t > > > > > | |
CAdaptor< size_t(size_t)> | |
CAdaptor< void(IN), enable_if< __and_< is_arithmetic< IN >, __not_< is_same< IN, size_t > > > > > | |
CAdaptor< void(void)> | |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{test-helper-variadic-test.cpp} | |
CImpl | |
CInterface | |
CEventLog_test | |
CMurpf | |
CTempDir_test | |
CTestHelper_test | Verifies the proper working of helper functions frequently used within the Lumiera testsuite |
CTestHelperVariadic_test | |
CTestTracking_test | |
CWrmrmpft | |
CAllocationCluster_test | |
CBuilderQualifierSupport_test | |
►CCallQueue_test | |
CWorker | |
CCmdlineWrapper_test | |
CCustomSharedPtr_test | |
CDelStash_test | |
CDependencyConfiguration_test | |
CDependencyFactory_test | |
►CDiagnosticContext_test | |
CTestThread | Build a call stack within separate thread and capture diagnostics |
CDummy | A Dummy object for tests |
CDummyAncestor | |
CEventLog | Helper to log and verify the occurrence of events |
CEventMatch | |
CExpectString | Helper to produce better diagnostic messages when comparing to an expected result string |
CGnuplotGen_test | |
CHashGenerator_test | |
CHashIndexed_test | |
CHashStandardToBoostBridge_test | |
CHeteroData_test | |
CImpl | |
CImpl_XXX | |
CIncidenceCount_test | |
CIndexIter_test | |
CInterface | Target object to be instantiated as Singleton Allocates a variable amount of additional heap memory and prints diagnostic messages |
CIterAdapter_test | |
CIterAdapterSTL_test | |
CIterCoreAdapter_test | |
CIterCursor_test | |
►CIterExplorer_test | |
CMagicTestRubbish | Demo of a custom processing layer interacting directly with the iteration mechanism |
CIterQueue_test | |
CIterSource_test | |
CIterStack_test | |
CIterTools_test | |
CIterZip_test | |
►CLazyInit_test | |
CLazyDemo | Elaborate setup used for integration test |
►CLinkedElements_test | |
CUseAllocationCluster | Policy to use an Allocation cluster, but also to invoke all object destructors |
►CMemoryPool | |
CAllocation | Registration entry to maintain a single allocation |
CLocationHash | |
CMock_1 | Mock-1 to replace the Client Class.. |
CMock_2 | Mock-2 to replace the Client Class.. |
CMultiFact_test | |
CMultiFactArgument_test | |
CMultiFactSingleton_test | |
CNullValue_test | |
COpaqueHolder_test | |
COpaqueUncheckedBuffer_test | |
COptionalRef_test | |
CPathArray_test | |
CPolymorphicValue_test | |
CQueryText_test | |
CRandom_test | |
►CRandomConcurrent_test | |
CExperiment | Research setup to investigate concurrent access to a random generator |
CRandomDraw_test | |
►CRefArray_test | |
CFac | < fabricating a series of subclass instances with varying ctor parameter |
CResult_test | |
CS | Custom-Datatype 1: uses std::hash extension point |
►CScopedCollection_test | |
CManagerDemo | |
CPopulator | Functor to populate the Collection |
CScopedHolder_test | |
CScopedHolderTransfer_test | |
CScopedPtrVect_test | |
CSearchPathSplitter_test | |
CSeveralBuilder_test | |
CSimpleAllocator_test | |
CSingleton_test | |
CSingletonSubclass_test | |
CSingletonTestMock_test | |
CSplitSplice_test | |
►CSubID_test | |
CHashTable | |
CSymbol_test | |
CSymbolHashtable_test | |
CSyncBarrier_test | |
CSyncBarrierPerformance_test | |
CSyncClasslock_test | |
CSyncLocking_test | |
CSyncTimedwait_test | |
CSyncWaiting_test | |
CTargetObj | Target object to be instantiated as Singleton Allocates a variable amount of additional heap memory and prints diagnostic messages |
CTempDir | A RAII style temporary directory |
CTestB | |
CTestDA | |
CTestDB | |
CTestSingO | Client Class normally to be instantiated as Singleton |
CTestTargetObj | Target object to be created by Test-Factories or as Singleton |
CTextTemplate_test | |
CThreadWrapper_test | |
CThreadWrapperAutonomous_test | |
CThreadWrapperJoin_test | |
CThreadWrapperLifecycle_test | |
CThreadWrapperSelfRecognitionTest_test | |
CTimeBasics_test | |
CTrackAlloc | C++ standard compliant custom allocator adapter backed by the TrackingAllocator and the MemoryPool denoted at construction |
CTracker | A tracking Dummy object for tests |
CTrackingAllocator | Generic low-level allocator attached to tracking MemoryPool |
CTrackingFactory | Generic object factory backed by TrackingAllocator |
CTransiently | Token to capture a value and restore original when leaving scope |
CTransiently< void(void)> | Variation where manipulation is done by λ |
CTypedAllocationManager_test | |
►CTypedCounter_test | |
CDummy | Parametrised marker type to designate a counter to be incremented |
CTypeDebugger | Helper to show types involved in metaprogramming |
CTypedFamilyMemberID_test | |
CUniqueMallocOwner_test | |
CUnrelated | |
CV | Custom-Datatype 2: uses boost::hash extension point |
CVariant_test | |
CVectorTransfer_test | |
CVerbFunctionDispatch_test | |
CVerbVisitorDispatch_test | |
CX | |
CXX | |
CZombieCheck_test | |
►Ntext_template | |
CDataSource< diff::GenNode > | Data-binding for a tree of GenNode data (ETD) |
CTagSyntax | |
►Nthread | |
CPolicyLaunchOnly | Thread Lifecycle Policy: |
CPolicyLifecycleHook | Thread Lifecycle Policy Extension: invoke user-provided callbacks from within thread lifecycle |
CPolicyResultJoin | Thread Lifecycle Policy: |
►CThreadLifecycle | Policy-based configuration of thread lifecycle |
CLaunch | Configuration builder to define the operation running within the thread, and possibly configure further details, depending on the actual Policy used |
CThreadWrapper | |
►Ntime | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{quantiser.hpp} | |
CValTrait | |
CValTrait< double > | |
CValTrait< int > | |
►Ndigxel | |
CCountFormatter | |
CFormatter | Default configured Formatter implementations for some of the basic numeric types |
CFormatter< double > | |
CFormatter< int > | |
CHexaFormatter | |
CHourFormatter | |
CPrintfFormatter | Default / base implementation for Digxel formatting |
CSexaFormatter | |
CSignFormatter | |
►Nformat | |
►Ntest | |
CFormatSupport_test | |
CFrames | Frame count as timecode format |
CHms | The informal hours-minutes-seconds-millisecond timecode |
CSeconds | Simple timecode specification as fractional seconds |
CSmpte | Widely used standard media timecode format |
CSupported | Descriptor to denote support for a specific (timecode) format |
CSupportStandardTimecode | Predefined standard configuration: Descriptor for supporting all the classical timecode formats |
CTraits | |
CTraits< Frames > | |
CTraits< Hms > | |
CTraits< Seconds > | |
CTraits< Smpte > | |
►Nmutation | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{control-policy.hpp} | |
CcanMutateDuration | |
CcanReceiveDuration | |
CBuilder | Implementation policy: how to build a new notification value of type TI , given a target time value entity of type TAR |
CBuilder< TimeSpan, Duration > | |
CBuilder< TimeSpan, TAR > | |
CBuilder< TimeSpan, TimeSpan > | |
CLink | Policy to tie the various detail policies together for providing actual value change operations |
CMutator | Implementation building block: impose changes to a Time element |
CPolicy | Policy how to impose changes onto a connected target time value entity This policy will be parametrised with the concrete time entity types involved in the usage situation of time::Control |
CPolicy< Duration, typename disable_if< canReceiveDuration< TAR >, Duration >::type, TAR > | Special case: a Duration change value can't be imposed to a plain time value |
CPolicy< TI, Duration, TimeSpan > | |
CPolicy< TI, SRC, typename disable_if< canMutateDuration< SRC >, Duration >::type > | Special case: a Duration target value can't be changed by plain time values |
CPolicy< TI, TimeSpan, Duration > | |
CPolicy< TimeSpan, TimeSpan, TimeSpan > | |
CPropagator | Implementation building block: propagate changes to listeners |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{digxel-test.cpp} | |
CVerySpecialFormat | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{time-control-test.cpp} | |
CIterationEnd | |
CTestCase | |
CTestChange | |
CTestChange< QuTime > | |
CTestChange< TimeSpan > | |
CTestListener | Mock object to receive change notifications |
CTestTarget | |
CTestTarget< QuTime > | |
CTestTarget< TimeSpan > | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{time-parsing-test.cpp} | |
CParsing | Expression builder for writing time value parsing tests |
CDigxel_test | |
CDigxelConfigurations_test | |
►CQuantiserBasics_test | |
CTestQuant | Test Quantiser allowing to use plain numbers |
CTimeControl_test | |
CTimeFormats_test | |
►CTimeMutation_test | |
CTestValues | |
CTimeParsing_test | |
CTimeQuantisation_test | |
CTimeValue_test | |
CControl | Frontend/Interface: controller-element to retrieve and change running time values |
CDigxel | A number element for building structured numeric displays |
CDuration | Duration is the internal Lumiera time metric |
CFixedFrameQuantiser | Simple stand-alone Quantiser implementation based on a constant sized gird |
CFrameNr | A frame counting timecode value |
CFrameRate | Framerate specified as frames per second |
CGrid | Abstraction of a value alignment grid |
CHmsTC | |
CImposeOffsetMutation | Concrete time value mutation: adjust the given time entity by an offset amount |
CMaterialiseIntoTarget | Concrete time value mutation: make the grid aligned time value explicit, and impose the resulting value to the given time points (or start points) |
CMutation | Interface: an opaque change imposed onto some time value |
CNaturalNudgeMutation | Concrete time value mutation: nudge based on a implicit grid, which is either a quantised target value's own grid, or a natural grid |
CNudgeMutation | Concrete time value mutation: nudge target value by the given number of 'steps', relative to the given grid |
COffset | Offset measures a distance in time |
CQuantiser | Facility to create grid-aligned time values |
CQuTime | Grid aligned time specification, referring to a specific scale |
CSecs | |
CSetNewDuration | Concrete time value mutation: set a new overall duration for an extended timespan |
CSetNewStartTimeMutation | Concrete time value mutation: impose fixed new start time |
CSignum | Special Digxel to show a sign |
CSmpteTC | Classical Timecode value reminiscent to SMPTE format |
CTCode | Interface: fixed format timecode specification |
CTime | Lumiera's internal time value datatype |
CTimeSpan | A time interval anchored at a specific point in time |
CTimeValue | Basic constant internal time value |
CTimeVar | Mutable time value, behaving like a plain number, allowing copy and re-accessing |
►Nvariant | |
CCanBuildFrom | |
CCanBuildFrom< const char [len], Node< string, TYPES > > | < esp. allow to build string from char literal |
CCanBuildFrom< const X, Node< X, TYPES > > | |
CCanBuildFrom< diff::MakeRec, Node< Rec, TYPES > > | Specialisation allowing to build a GenNode with a nested record from a Record::Mutator (aka MakeRec ) |
CCanBuildFrom< X, Node< T, TYPES > > | |
CCanBuildFrom< X, Node< X, TYPES > > | |
CCanBuildFrom< X, NullType > | |
CFirstMatchingType | Helper to pick the first type from a type sequence, which fulfils the predicate (meta function) given as template |
CFirstMatchingType< Node< T, TYPES >, _P_ > | |
CFirstMatchingType< Types< TYPES... >, _P_ > | |
►CHolder | Internal helper used to build a variant storage wrapper |
CBuffer | Storage to hold the actual value |
CCasePrepare | Initialise the dispatcher (trampoline) for the case of accessing type T |
CCaseSelect | Provide a dispatcher table based visitation mechanism |
CDeleter | |
CPlacementAdapter | |
CIdentity | |
►CVFunc | |
CValueAcceptInterface | How to treat one single type in visitation |
►Nvisitor | |
►Ntest1 | |
CBabbler | |
CBigBoss | |
CBoss | |
CHomoSapiens | |
CLeader | |
CVerboseVisitor | |
CVisionary | |
CVisitingTool_test | |
►Ntest2 | |
CBabbler | |
CBigBoss | |
CBlatherer | Hastalavista-Visiting-Tool tailored for the Chief hierarchy |
CBoss | |
CCatched | Defines an catch-all-function instead of the silent default error handler |
CHomoSapiens | |
CLeader | Now mixing the two hierarchies.. |
CVerboseVisitor | |
CVisionary | |
CVisitingToolExtended_test | |
CApplicable | Marker template to declare that some "visiting tool" wants to treat a set of concrete Visitable classes |
CApplicable< TOOLImpl, typelist::Node< TAR, TYPES >, BASE > | |
CApplicable< TOOLImpl, typelist::NullType, BASE > | |
CDispatcher | For each possible call entry point via some subclass of the visitable hierarchy, we maintain a dispatcher table to keep track of all concrete tool implementations able to receive and process calls on objects of this subclass |
CTag | Type tag for concrete visiting tool classes |
CTagTypeRegistry | |
CThrowException | Policy to throw when encountering an unknown visiting tool |
CTool | Marker interface / base class for all "visiting tools" |
CUseDefault | Policy returning just the default return value in case of encountering an unknown Visitor (typically caused by adding a new class to the visitable hierarchy) |
CVisitable | Marker interface or base class for all "Visitables" |
►Nwrapper | |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{item-wrapper-test.cpp} | |
CTracker | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{replaceable-item-test.cpp} | |
CNonAssign | |
CTracker | |
CItemWrapper_test | |
CReplaceableItem_test | |
CFunctionResult | Extension of ItemWrapper: a function remembering the result of the last invocation |
Cis_assignable_value | |
CItemWrapper | Universal value/ref wrapper accessible similar to a pointer |
CItemWrapper< TY & > | Specialisation of the ItemWrapper to deal with references, as if they were pointer values |
CItemWrapper< void > | Fallback-specialisation for ItemWrapper<void> |
CReplaceableItem | Adapter container to take snapshots from non-assignable values |
CReplaceableItem< X, meta::enable_if< is_assignable_value< X > > > | Simple delegating implementation to use for regular cases |
CReplaceableItem< X, meta::enable_if< std::is_reference< X > > > | Disallow embedding references |
CReturnRef | Reference wrapper implemented as constant function, returning the (fixed) reference on invocation |
CAddressExposingIter | Wrapper for an existing Iterator type to expose the address of each value yielded |
►CAllocationCluster | A pile of objects sharing common allocation and lifecycle |
CAllocationWithDestructor | |
CAllocator | |
CDestructor | |
CStorage | Maintaining the Allocation |
►CStorageManager | An overlay view for the AllocationCluster to add functionality for adding / clearing extents and registering optional deleter functions |
CExtent | Block of allocated storage |
CManagementView | |
►CAllocator_TransferNoncopyable | Addendum to scoped-holder.hpp for transferring the lifecycle management to another instance |
Crebind | |
►CAllocatorHandle | Placeholder implementation for a custom allocator |
CAllocation | |
CAutoRegistered | Helper mixin template for implementing a type intended to participate in automatic element tracking |
►CBuilderQualifierSupport | Mix-in to accept and apply an arbitrary sequence of qualifier functors |
CQualifier | |
CCallQueue | A threadsafe queue for bound void(void) functors |
CCappedGen | Adapter to protect against data corruption caused by concurrent access |
CCheckedCore | Adapter to add sanity checks to a »state core« |
►CClassLock | A synchronisation protection guard employing a lock scoped to the parameter type as a whole, not an individual instance |
CPerClassMonitor | |
CCmdline | Abstraction of the usual int argc, int** argv -Commandline, to be able to treat it as a vector of strings |
CConstIter | Wrapper to expose values as const |
CContainerCore | Adapter to »piggy-back« a STL iterable container inline and expose it as »state core« |
CCustomAllocator | Policy: use just plain heap allocations whenever you define a specialisation, you are responsible for proper alignment |
►CDelStash | Manage a collection of deleter functions |
CKiller | |
CDepend | Access point to singletons and other kinds of dependencies designated by type |
►CDependencyFactory | Helper to abstract creation and lifecycle of a dependency |
CcanDefaultConstruct | Metafunction: can we instantiate the desired object here? |
►CDependInject | This framework allows to (re)configure the lib::Depend front-end for dependency-injection |
CLocal | Configuration handle for temporarily shadowing a dependency by a test mock instance |
CServiceInstance | Configuration handle to expose a service implementation through the Depend<SRV> front-end |
CSubclassFactoryType | |
CDiagnosticContext | Diagnostic data frame to collect specific information concerning a scope |
CElementTracker | Registry for tracking object instances |
CEmptyBase | |
CExtendedSubId | |
CExtensibleFilterIter | Additional capabilities for FilterIter, allowing to extend the filter condition underway |
CFamilyMember | Utility to produce member IDs for objects belonging to a "Family", as defined by a distinguishing type |
CFilterCore | Implementation of the filter logic |
CFilterIter | Iterator tool filtering pulled data according to a predicate |
CHandle | Generic opaque reference counting handle, for accessing a service and managing its lifecycle |
►CHashIndexed | A Mixin to add a private ID type to the target class, together with storage to hold an instance of this ID, getter and setter, and a templated version of the ID type which can be used to pass specific subclass type info |
CId | Hash based ID, typed to a specific subclass of BA |
CID | Generic hash based ID, corresponding to the base class BA |
CUseEmbeddedHash | Enables use of BA objects as keys within std::unordered_map |
CUseHashID | Trivial hash functor using the ID as hash |
CHeteroData | A setup with chained data tuples residing in distributed storage |
►CHeteroData< meta::Node< StorageFrame< seg, DATA... >, TAIL > > | |
CAccessor | Accessor-functor to get at the data residing within some tuple element Using the enclosing typed scope to ensure safe storage access |
CChain | Constructor-functor to build an extra data segment, which can then be linked to the chain |
CHeteroData< meta::NullType > | |
CIdentityCore | A neutral identity-function core, also serving as point-of reference how any core is intended to work |
►CIncidenceCount | A recorder for concurrent incidences |
CInc | |
CStatistic | |
CIndexIter | Subscript-index based access to a container, packaged as iterator |
►CInPlaceAnyHolder | Inline buffer to hold and own an object while concealing the concrete type |
CBuff | Concrete subclass to manage a specific kind of contained object |
CBuffer | Inner capsule managing the contained object (interface) |
CEmptyBuff | Special case: no stored object |
CInPlaceAnyHolder_unrelatedTypes | Alternative policy for accessing the contents without a common interface; use this policy if the intention is to use OpaqueHolder with a family of similar classes, without requiring all of them to be derived from a common base class |
CInPlaceAnyHolder_useCommonBase | Standard policy for accessing the contents via a common base class interface |
►CInPlaceBuffer | Buffer to place and maintain an object instance privately within another object |
CTypeTag | |
CIterableDecorator | Decorator-Adapter to make a »*State Core*« iterable as Lumiera Forward Iterator |
CIterAdapter | Adapter for building an implementation of the »Lumiera Forward Iterator« concept |
CIterCursor | A cursor-like iterator with the ability to switch iteration direction |
CIterExplorer | Adapter to build a demand-driven tree expanding and exploring computation based on a custom opaque state core |
CIterExploreSource | Iterator front-end to manage and operate a IterExplorer pipeline opaquely |
►CIterQueue | A Queue which can be pulled by iterating |
CBuilder | Adapter for use as opaque sequence |
►CIterSource | Iteration source interface to abstract a data source, which then can be accessed through IterAdapter as a frontend, allowing to pull individual elements until exhaustion |
Citerator | |
CIterStack | A Stack which can be popped by iterating |
CIterStateCore | Adapter to dress up an existing »Lumiera Forward Iterator« as »state core« |
CIterStateWrapper | Another Lumiera Forward Iterator building block, based on incorporating a state type as »*State Core*«, right into the iterator |
CIterTool | Standard functionality to build up any iterator tool |
CIterType | Helper for type rewritings: get the element type for an iterator like entity |
►CIterType< Iter< TY, CON > > | |
CSimilarIter | < rebind to a similarly structured Iterator with value type T2 |
►CIterType< RangeIter< IT > > | |
CSimilarIter | < rebind to rewritten Iterator wrapped into RangeIter |
►CLazyInit | Mix-in for lazy/delayed initialisation of an embedded functor |
CMarkDisabled | |
CLimited | A Result Value confined into fixed bounds |
►CLinkedElements | Intrusive single linked list, possibly taking ownership of node elements |
CIterationState | Iteration is just following the single linked list |
CLiteral | Inline string literal This is a marker type to indicate that |
CNobugResourceHandleContext | Disabled placeholder for the Diagnostic context, not used in release builds |
CNoInstantiationCount | Policy: no additional instantiation accounting |
CNullValue | Singleton holder for NIL or default value objects |
CNumIter | Enumerate all "numbers" within a range |
COpaqueHolder | Inline buffer to hold and own an object while concealing the concrete type |
COptionalRef | Optional or switchable link to an existing object |
CP | Customised refcounting smart pointer template, built upon std::shared_ptr, but forwarding type relationships and ordering operators to the pointee objects |
►CPathArray | Abstraction for path-like topological coordinates |
CSplit | |
CPlantingHandle | A handle to allow for safe »remote implantation« of an unknown subclass into a given opaque InPlaceBuffer, without having to disclose the concrete buffer type or size |
►CPolymorphicValue | Template to build polymorphic value objects |
CAdapter | Implementation Helper: add support for copy operations |
CPtrDerefIter | Wrapper for an existing Iterator type, automatically dereferencing the output of the former |
CQueryText | Syntactical query representation |
CRandomDraw | A component and builder to draw limited parameter values based on some source of randomness (or hash input) |
►CRandomSequencer | Access point to a selection of random number sources |
CSeed | |
CRangeIter | Accessing a STL element range through a Lumiera forward iterator, An instance of this iterator adapter is completely self-contained and allows to iterate once over the range of elements, until pos==end |
CRefArray | Abstraction: Array of const references |
CRefArrayTable | RefArray implementation based on a fixed size array, i.e |
CRefArrayVector | This variation of the wrapper actually is a vector, but can act as a RefArray |
CRefArrayVectorWrapper | Wrap a vector holding objects of a subtype and provide array-like access using the interface type |
CResult | Representation of the result of some operation, EITHER a value or a failure |
CResult< void > | The base case is just to capture success or failure, without returning any value result |
►CScopedCollection | A fixed collection of non-copyable polymorphic objects |
CElementHolder | Storage Frame to hold one Child object |
CFillAll | |
CFillWith | Fills the ScopedCollection with default constructed I-instances |
CPullFrom | Fills the ScopedCollection with default constructed TY-instances |
CScopedHolder | Inline buffer holding and owning an object similar to unique_ptr |
CScopedPtrHolder | Extension to std::unique_ptr, allowing copy operations on empty pointers (i.e |
CScopedPtrVect | Simple vector based collection of pointers, managing lifecycle of the pointed-to objects |
CSearchPathSplitter | Helper: Access a path Specification as a sequence of filesystem Paths |
CSeedNucleus | Establishes a seed point for any instance or performance |
CSeveral | Abstraction: Fixed array of elements |
CSeveralBuilder | Builder to create and populate a lib::Several<I> |
CSimpleAllocator | Frontend for explicit allocations, using a custom allocator |
CSingleValCore | Implementation of a singleton value holder, which discards the contained value once "iterated" |
CSingleValIter | Pseudo-Iterator to yield just a single value |
CSkipRepetition | Helper: predicate returning true whenever the argument value changes during a sequence of invocations |
CStorageFrame | Individual storage frame in a chain, holding a data tuple |
CStorageLoc | Linked list of StorageFrame elements |
CSubID | |
CSubId | |
CSymbol | Token or Atom with distinct identity |
CSymbolTable | Table for automatically interned strings |
►CSync | Facility for monitor object based locking |
CLock | Scoped guard to control the actual locking |
CSyncBarrier | A one time N-fold mutual synchronisation barrier |
CThread | A thin convenience wrapper to simplify thread-handling |
CThreadHookable | Extended variant of the standard case, allowing to install callbacks (hook functions) to be invoked during thread lifecycle: |
CThreadJoinable | Variant of the standard case, requiring to wait and join() on the termination of this thread |
CTransformingCore | Implementation of custom processing logic |
CTransformIter | Iterator tool treating pulled data by a custom transformation (function) |
CTrojanFun | »Trojan Function« builder |
►CTypedAllocationManager | Foundation for a custom allocation manager, tracking the created objects by smart-ptrs |
CKiller | Opaque link to the manager, to be used by handles and smart-ptrs to trigger preconfigured destruction |
CSlot | Token representing a newly opened slot capable for holding an object of type XOX |
►CTypedContext | Provide type-IDs for a specific context |
CID | Type-ID |
CTypedCounter | Utility providing a set of counters, each tied to a specific type |
CUninitialisedDynBlock | Managed uninitialised Heap-allocated storage with array like access |
CUninitialisedStorage | Block of raw uninitialised storage with array like access |
CUniqueMallocOwner | Ownership token for a piece of heap memory allocated in plain-C style |
CUseInstantiationCounting | Policy: maintain explicit per type instance count |
►CVariant | Typesafe union record |
CBuff | Concrete inner capsule specialised for a given type |
CBuffer | Inner capsule managing the contained object (interface) |
CPredicate | |
CRenderer | |
CVisitor | To be implemented by the client for visitation |
CVariantO | A variant wrapper (typesafe union) capable of holding a value of any of a bounded collection of types |
CVerbHolder | |
CVerbHolder< REC, RET(ARGS...)> | Building block: actual storage for a "verb" (function pointer), together with the pre-bound invocation arguments for this specific operation |
CVerbInvoker | Building block: the Interface to cause the invocation |
►CVerbPack | A self-contained token to embody a specific yet abstracted operation, together with a concrete set of suitable arguments |
CHandlerTypeDetector | |
CHandlerTypeDetector< RET(REC::*)(ARGS...)> | |
CVerbToken | Action token implemented by double dispatch to a handler function, as defined in the "receiver" interface (parameter REC ) |
CVerbToken< REC, RET(ARGS...)> | |
CWrappedLumieraIter | Standard implementation of the IterSource interface: a wrapped "Lumiera Forward Iterator" |
CZombieCheck | Automatic lifecycle tracker, to produce an alarm when accessing objects after deletion |
►Nlumiera | Lumiera public interface |
►Nadvice | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{advice.cpp} | |
CAdviceSystem | System-wide service to support the implementation of advice collaborations |
►Nanonymous_namespace{index.hpp} | |
CSelfCheckFailure | |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{advice-basics-test.cpp} | |
CTheAdvised | |
CTheAdvisor | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{advice-binding-pattern-test.cpp} | |
CDummyAdvice | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{advice-index-test.cpp} | |
CTestPOA | Test dummy record, representing either a provision or an request |
CAdviceBasics_test | |
CAdviceBindingPattern_test | |
CAdviceConfiguration_test | |
CAdviceIndex_test | |
CAdviceMultiplicity_test | |
CAdviceSituations_test | |
CActiveProvision | Piece of Advice as incorporated into the AdviceSystem |
CAdviceLink | Advice Collaboration partner, internally connected to the AdviceSystem |
►CBinding | Conjunction of predicates to be matched against a collaboration partner for establishing an Advice connection |
CAtom | Single predicate as part of an advice binding pattern |
CMatcher | Functor object for matching against another Binding |
►CIndex | Index datastructure for organising advice solutions |
CCluster | |
CEntry | |
CProvisionCluster | |
CRequestCluster | |
CPointOfAdvice | Basic (abstracted) view of an advice collaboration partner, as used internally by the AdviceSystem to manage the participants |
CProvision | Access point for the advising entity (server) |
CRequest | Access point for the advised entity (client) |
►Nerror | |
CLumieraError | Derived specific exceptions within Lumiera's exception hierarchy |
►Nfacade | |
CBinding | Implementation Base for building Facade Proxy implementations |
CBinding< InstanceHandle< I, FA > > | |
CLink | |
CLink< I, I > | |
CProxy | To be specialised and implemented for each individual interface and facade interface |
CProxy< IHandle > | |
►Nquery | |
►Nimpl | |
►CDefsRegistry | |
CIter | Used for enumerating solutions |
►CRecord | Holding a single "default object" entry |
CSearch | < Functor searching for a specific object |
CSlot | Every new kind of object (Type) creates a new slot in the main Table holding all registered default objects |
CTableEntry | |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{defs-registry-impl-test.cpp} | |
CDummy | Template for generating some different test types |
CDefsRegistryImpl_test | |
CConfigRules | Generic query interface for retrieving objects matching some capability query |
CDefsManager | Organise a collection of preconfigured default objects |
CPred | |
CQueryHandler | "front side" interface: the Steam-Layer code can use this QueryHandler to retrieve instances of the type TY fulfilling the given Query |
CResolver | |
CTypeHandler | "back side" interface towards the classes participating in the configuration system (the config system will be delivering instances of these classes for a given query) |
CTypeHandlerXX | Adapter for using this type as a primary type within Lumiera's Steam-Layer |
CTypeHandlerXX< steam::mobject::session::test::DummyEntity > | Adapter for using mobject::session::test::DummyEntity as a primary type with the TypedID registration service |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{query-resolver-test.cpp} | |
CDummyResultSet | Concrete "resolution" of the query is a set of "solutions", which can be explored by iteration |
CDummySolutions | Sequence of "solutions" to be "found" |
CDummySolutions< int > | |
CDummySolutions< string > | |
CDummyTypedSolutionProducer | (dummy) concrete query resolution facility |
►Nanonymous_namespace{subsystem-runner-test.cpp} | |
CMockSys | A simulated "Lumiera Subsystem" |
CAppconfig_test | |
►CExceptionError_test | Some aspects of C++ exception handling |
CSpecificError | Very specific Exception class local to this scope and with additional behaviour |
CHelloBug_test | |
CHelloWorld_test | Hellooooooo the world is just a test |
CLifeCycle_test | |
CQueryResolver_test | |
CSubsystemRunner_test | |
►Nvisitor_concept_draft | |
►Ntest | |
CBabbler | |
CBigBoss | |
CBoss | |
CHomoSapiens | |
CLeader | |
CVerboseVisitor | |
CVisionary | |
CVisitingTool_concept | |
CApplicable | Any concrete visiting tool implementation has to inherit from this class for each kind of calls it wants to get dispatched, Allowing us to record the type information |
CDispatcher | For each possible call entry point via some subclass of the visitable hierarchy, we maintain a dispatcher table to keep track of all concrete tool implementations able to receive and process calls on objects of this subclass |
CTag | |
CTagTypeRegistry | |
CTool | Marker interface "visiting tool" |
CToolType | Mixin for attaching a type tag to the concrete tool implementation |
CVisitable | Marker interface "visitable object" |
CAppState | The Lumiera Application state and basic initialisation |
CBasicSetup | Represents the elementary self-configuration of a running Lumiera application instance |
CConfig | C++ wrapper for convenient access to the Lumiera config system |
►CDisplay | Interface for outputting frames to an (already allocated) viewer or display |
CSink | Functor for pushing frames to the display |
►CDummyPlayer | Experimental Interface Steam-Layer (or maybe the vault?): Global access point for starting a dummy playback, generating some test image data for the GUI to display in a viewer window |
CProcess | Playback process, front-end to be used by client code |
CProcessImplementationLink | Mediator to allow the client to communicate with the Process implementation via the Process handle, without having to map each implementation-level function into the dummy player interface |
CError | Interface and Base definition for all Lumiera Exceptions |
CFrameID | Identification tuple for addressing frames unambiguously |
►CGoal | Query ABC: unspecific goal for resolution or retrieval |
CQueryID | |
CResult | Single Solution, possibly part of a result set |
CInstanceHandle | Handle tracking the registration of an interface, deregistering it on deletion |
CLifecycleHook | Define and register a callback for a specific lifecycle event |
CLifecycleRegistry | Registry of callback functions accessible by a label (ID) provided at registration |
CNodeID | Identification tuple for denoting render nodes unambiguously |
COption | Frontend for handling the Lumiera application commandline arguments |
►CPlay | Interface to the Player subsystem of Lumiera (Steam-Layer) |
CController | Continuous playback process, which has been hooked up and started with a fixed set of output slots |
►CQuery | Generic interface to express a query for specifically typed result elements exposing some capabilities or fulfilling some properties |
CBuilder | Helper for establishing, reworking and remolding queries |
CCursor | |
CQueryDispatcher | PImpl of the generic QueryResolver |
CQueryKey | Wrapper for indexing and ordering |
CQueryResolver | Interface: a facility for resolving (some kind of) queries A concrete subclass has the ability to create Resolution instances in response to specific queries of some kind, if applicable |
CResolution | ABC representing the result set of an individual query resolution |
CSubsys | Dependencies and lifecycle of a partially independent Subsystem of the Application |
CSubsystemRunner | Implementation helper for managing execution of a collection of subsystems, which may depend on one another and execute in parallel |
►NLumieraEnvironment | |
CLumieraConfigContext | |
CLumieraEnvironment | |
CLumieraExeBuilder | |
CLumieraModuleBuilder | |
CLumieraPluginBuilder | |
CWrappedStandardExeBuilder | |
►Nstage | Lumiera GTK UI implementation root |
►Nanonymous_namespace{gtk-lumiera.cpp} | |
CGtkLumiera | Implement the necessary steps for actually making the Lumiera UI available |
►Nanonymous_namespace{guifacade.cpp} | |
CGuiSubsysDescriptor | |
►Ncontroller | |
CController | |
►Nctrl | Backbone of the Lumiera GTK UI |
►Ntest | |
CStateMapGroupingStorage_test | |
CActions | A helper class which registers global user actions and populates the main menu and toolbar |
CApplicationBase | Framework initialisation base |
CBusTerm | Connection point at the UI-Bus |
CCoreService | Attachment point to »central services« within the UI-Bus |
CElemAccessDir | Low-level service to navigate the internals of the Lumiera GTK UI |
CFacade | A context to hold and manage the implementation of all UI facade interfaces |
CGlobalCtx | A global circle of top-level UI management facilities |
CNexus | Central hub of the UI-Bus |
CNotificationHub | Service to receive and display error, warning and notification messages |
CPanelLocator | Service to access, locate or place panels within top-level windows Access- and query front-end to the individual panel managers, which are located within the top-level windows |
CPlaybackController | |
CStateManager | Interface: handling of persistent interface state |
CStateMapGroupingStorage | Map storage for captured presentation state information |
CStateRecorder | Simple map based implementation of the PresentationStateManager interface |
CUiDispatcher | Helper to dispatch code blocks into the UI event thread for execution |
CUiManager | The Lumiera UI framework and backbone object |
CUiState | Store and manage persistent interface state |
CWindowLocator | A centralised manager of all top level application windows |
►Ndialog | Dialog box classes |
CFrameBox | Building block for a segment within a dialog page |
CNameChooser | The name chooser dialog is a modal dialog box that prompts the user to choose a string name |
CNotebook | Helper widget to simplify construction and wiring of a [Notebook] widget |
CPage | Explicitly named shortcut for the typical dialog page content holder |
CPreferencesDialog | |
CRender | A dialog to choose render output format and name |
►CTestControl | A complex, tabbed-notebook-style non-modal dialog window, dedicated to development, diagnostics and experimentation |
CPage1 | Ticket #1099 : perform a dummy round-trip to verify Steam-Stage integration |
CPage2 | Ticket #1014 : populate the Timeline in the GUI |
►Ndraw | Display and drawing helpers and utilities |
CCairoUtil | |
►Nidi | Generic definitions for element ID and access |
CDescriptor | Generic Component View descriptors |
CDescriptor< ErrorLogView > | Descriptor for error log display within the UI |
CDescriptor< test::DummyView > | |
CDescriptor< TimelineView > | Descriptor for the Timeline UI |
►Ninteract | UI interaction control |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ui-coord-resolver.cpp} | |
CPathManipulator | Special UI-Coordinate builder to define the solution path step by step while we recurse down into the reference tree |
►Ntest | |
CCmdContext_test | |
CUICoord_test | |
CUICoordResolver_test | |
CUILocationSolver_test | |
CViewSpecDSL_test | |
CAllocSpec | A specification to describe the strategy for allocating (placing, retrieving) a component view |
►CCmdContext | Builder to define a binding to relate some entity or place within the UI with a specific from of interaction gesture or context dependent command invocation |
CResolver | Helper for dynamic command argument resolution |
CDragRelocateController | Gesture controller for dragging objects within the Timeline display |
CFocusTracker | Helper to pick up typical focus/activity changes, for the purpose of keeping a coherent system of WorkSite locations and a global "Spot" of activity in sync with spontaneous jumps to some arbitrary widget within the UI |
►CGenNodeLocationQuery | Test/Diagnostics: implementation of the LocationQuery-API based on a abstract topological structure given as Record<GenNode> ("GenNode tree") |
CGenNodeNavigator | Helper to navigate a tree topology represented as GenNode tree |
CGestureObserver | Collaboration interface for tracking the formation of a gesture |
CGestureState | Holder for InteractionState dedicated to UI gestures and complex interactions |
CInactiveObserver | »Null Object« when no gesture is being tracked currently |
CInteractionDirector | Top-level controller to establish a link between the model and transient user interaction state (focus, current window) |
CInteractionState | Abstract foundation for context dependent UI interactions |
CLocationClause | A single location specification to be matched and fulfilled |
CLocationQuery | Interface to discover a backing structure for the purpose of path navigation and resolution |
CLocationRule | A rule to determine some location by matching against the UI-tree |
CLocatorSpec | A specification to describe the desired location of a component view within the Lumiera UI |
CNavigator | Global cross-cutting navigation within user interface space |
CSpotLocator | Control and navigate the global centre of activity |
CSubject | Role-Interface: the Subject of Interaction |
CTreeStructureNavigator | Interface to locate and move within a tree shaped structure |
►CUICoord | Describe a location within the UI through structural/topological coordinates |
CBuilder | |
►CUICoordResolver | Query and mutate UICoord specifications in relation to actual UI topology |
CResolution | |
CUILocationSolver | Service to determine the location of an UI component view |
CViewLocator | Access or allocate a UI component view |
CWizard | Global cross-cutting navigation in interface space, foundation to implement user assistance and context sensitive help |
CWorkSite | A clustering of information and bindings, related to a "location" where the user is about to do ongoing editing work |
CWorkSiteTrail | Establish and manage a history of recent work sites |
►Nmodel | The Lumiera GTK-GUI uses a thin proxy layer data model on top of the actual "high-level-model", which lives in the Steam-Layer below |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{canvas-hook-test.cpp} | |
CDummyWidget | |
►CFakeCanvas | |
CAttachment | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{view-hook-test.cpp} | |
CDummyWidget | |
CFakeCanvas | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{w-link-test.cpp} | |
CDummyWidget | |
CAbstractTangible_test | |
CBusTerm_test | |
CCanvasHook_test | |
CElementAccess_test | |
CViewHook_test | |
CWLink_test | |
CZoomWindow_test | |
►CCanvasHook | Interface to represent _"some presentation layout entity",_ with the ability to place widgets (managed elsewhere) onto it, as well as to relocate those widgets to another position |
CPos | |
CCanvasHooked | A widget attached onto a display canvas or similar central presentation context |
CController | |
CDisplayMetric | Mix-in interface to allow for concrete CanvasHooked widgets to adapt themselves to the metric currently employed on the canvas |
►CElementAccess | Interface: access UI elements by navigating the UI topology |
CTypeConverter | |
CExpander | Functor component to support the default implementation of expanding/collapsing |
CFlashDeco | Decorator for a Gtk::Widget to add a visual flash action |
CRevealer | Functor component to support the default implementation of revealing an UI-Element |
CTangible | Interface common to all UI elements of relevance for the Lumiera application |
CViewHook | Interface to represent _"some presentation layout entity",_ with the ability to attach widgets (managed elsewhere), and to re-establish a different sequence of the widgets (whatever this means) |
CViewHooked | A widget attached onto a display canvas or similar central presentation context |
CWidget | |
CWLink | Managed link to a sigc::trackable UI widget, without taking ownership |
CZoomMetric | Mix-In to implement the DisplayMetric interface on top of a ZoomWindow component, directly embedded here and thus also accessible downstream |
CZoomWindow | A component to ensure uniform handling of zoom scale and visible interval on the timeline |
►Noutput | Video output implementation |
CDisplayer | A Displayer is a class which is responsible for rendering an image in some way (ie: Xvideo, GDK, OpenGL etc) |
CGdkDisplayer | GdkDisplayer is a class which is responsible for rendering a video image via GDK |
CXvDisplayer | XvDisplayer is a class which is responsible for rendering a video image via XVideo |
►Npanel | Docking panel classes |
CAssetsPanel | |
CInfoBoxPanel | |
CPanel | The base class for all dockable panels |
CTimelinePanel | Dockable panel to hold timeline widget(s) |
CViewerPanel | A panel to display the video output |
►Nsetting | The asset management, configuration and project settings |
CAssetController | Top level controller for the asset management section in the UI |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{test-nexus.cpp} | |
CSimulatedCommandHandler | Compact diagnostic dummy command handler |
CSimulatedStateManager | |
CTestNexus | |
CZombieNexus | |
CDummyTab | |
CDummyView | |
CDummyWidget | |
CMockElm | Mock UI element or controller |
CNexus | Mock UI backbone for unit testing |
CPlaceholderCommand | Set of stub command operations |
CTestElementAccess | Mock implementation of the model::ElementAccess interface for testing without actual UI |
►Ntimeline | The timeline display and editing operations |
►Nanonymous_namespace{body-canvas-widget.cpp} | |
CAbstractTrackRenderer | |
CTrackGroundingRenderer | |
CTrackOverlayRenderer | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{clip-widget.cpp} | |
CClipData | |
CClipWidget | |
CDormantClip | A Clip not directly mapped into presentation, yet present as entity within the timeline framework |
CBodyCanvasWidget | Presentation of the timeline workspace by custom drawing on a canvas |
CClipDelegate | |
►CClipPresenter | A View-Model entity to represent a clip within the timeline-UI |
CDragRelocateObserver | |
CDecoration | Configure additional vertical padding for the decorations added through CSS |
CDisplayEvaluation | Visitor and state holder for a collaborative layout adjustment pass |
CDisplayFrame | Reference frame to organise the presentation related to a specific Track in the Timeline-GUI |
CDisplayManager | Interface for coordination of the overall timeline display |
CDisplayViewHooks | Interface: a compound of anchoring facilities |
CHeadControlArea | |
CHeaderPaneWidget | |
CLayoutElement | |
CMarkerWidget | |
CNavigatorWidget | |
CPatchbayWidget | Header pane control area corresponding to a fork of nested tracks |
CPipeWidget | |
CPixSpan | |
CProfileInterpreter | |
CRelativeCanvasHook | Special CanvasHook decorator to apply a (dynamic) offset when attaching or moving Widgets on the shared canvas |
CRulerScale | |
CRulerTrack | Helper to organise and draw the time or content overview ruler at the top of the timeline track display |
CRulerWidget | |
CStaveBracketWidget | Helper widget to handle display of the structure of track nesting in the timeline header pane |
CTimelineCanvas | |
CTimelineController | Controller to supervise the timeline display |
CTimelineGui | Smart-Handle as anchor point for "the UI representation" of a timeline |
CTimelineLayout | Top-level anchor point for the timeline display (widgets) |
CTimelinePage | Interface: GUI page holding a timeline display |
CTimelineWidget | Core timeline display (custom widget) |
CTimelineWidgetEmpty | Placeholder to show when no actual Timeline is present |
CTrackBody | Helper to organise and draw the space allocated for a fork of sub-tracks |
CTrackHeadWidget | Header pane control area corresponding to a Track with nested child Tracks |
CTrackPresenter | A View-Model entity to represent a timeline track in the UI |
CTrackProfile | Description of the structure and arrangement of tracks for display in the UI |
CTransitionWidget | |
►Nwidget | Lumiera custom widgets |
►Ntimeline | |
CSelectionListener | SelectionListener is a template class which emits a signal when the value is changed by it's associated time::Control object |
CTimelineState | TimelineState is a container for the state data for TimelineWidget |
CTimelineViewWindow | |
CTimelineZoomScale | |
CBinWidget | |
CButtonBar | A modified toolbar widget for use in dialogs |
►CElementBoxWidget | A basic building block of the Lumiera UI |
CConfig | |
CStrategy | |
CErrorLogDisplay | Widget to display log and error messages |
CIDLabel | Widget arrangement to represent an entity for manipulation |
CMenuButton | A button that displays a menu when clicked on |
CMiniWrapper | A wrapper for ToolButton-like Button widgets |
CMixerWidget | |
CPanelBar | A container widget for widgets to be displayed on GDL panels grips |
CPlayerWidget | |
CSwitchboardWidget | |
CTimeCode | Widget for timecode input and display |
CVideoDisplayWidget | |
►Nworkspace | The global workspace with top-level windows |
►CDockArea | A class to manage DockItem objects for WorkspaceWindow |
CPanel | A helper class that will create PanelDescription objects |
CPanelDescription | A class to describe and instantiate Panel types |
►CPanelManager | A class to manage DockItem objects for WorkspaceWindow |
CPanel | A helper class that will create PanelDescription objects |
CPanelDescription | A class to describe and instantiate Panel types |
CUiStyle | Manage global concerns regarding a coherent user interface |
CWorkspaceWindow | The main Lumiera workspace window |
CDisplayerSlot | Actual implementation of a single displayer slot |
CDisplayService | Actual implementation of the DisplayService |
CGuiFacade | Global access point for loading and starting up the Lumiera GTK GUI and for controlling the GUI lifecycle |
CGuiNotification | Global access point to push state update and notification of events from the lower layers into the Lumiera GUI |
CGuiRunner | Load and start the GUI as a plugin |
CNotificationService | Actual implementation of the GuiNotification service within the Lumiera GTK GUI |
CUiBus | Backbone of the Lumiera GTK GUI |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
C__hash_base | |
C_Hash_impl | |
C_HashImplementationSelector | |
C_HashImplementationSelector< TY, std::enable_if_t< lib::meta::provides_BoostHashFunction< TY >::value > > | Specialisation: Bridge from std::hash to boost::hash |
Cbasic_filebuf | |
Cchar_traits | |
Chash | Primary class template for std::hash |
Chash< S > | |
Chash< steam::mobject::PlacementMO::ID > | |
Creference_wrapper | |
Cshared_ptr | |
Ctuple_element< I, lib::HeteroData< DATA... > > | Expose the type of the I-th element of a HeteroData chain |
Ctuple_element< I, lib::HeteroData< lib::meta::NullType > > | |
Ctuple_element< I, lib::StorageFrame< seg, DATA... > > | Delegate to the type access of a StorageFrame's underlying tuple |
Ctuple_size< lib::HeteroData< DATA... > > | Determine compile-time fixed size of a HeteroData |
Ctuple_size< lib::StorageFrame< seg, DATA... > > | Determine compile-time fixed size of a StorageFrame |
►Nsteam | Steam-Layer implementation namespace root |
►Nasset | The asset subsystem of the Steam-Layer |
►Nidi | |
CStructTraits | |
CStructTraits< const ProcPatt > | |
CStructTraits< meta::TimeGrid > | |
CStructTraits< mobject::session::Clip > | |
CStructTraits< mobject::session::Fork > | |
CStructTraits< Pipe > | |
CStructTraits< Sequence > | |
CStructTraits< steam::StreamType > | |
CStructTraits< Timeline > | |
►Nmeta | |
►Ntest | |
CTimeGridBasics_test | |
CBuilder | Building and configuring a meta asset |
CBuilder< ErrorLog > | |
CBuilder< TimeGrid > | |
CDescriptor | Interface: the unspecific, reflective base of meta assets |
CErrorLog | Receive, collect, filter and possibly persist incident records |
CSimpleTimeGrid | TimeGrid implementation: a trivial time grid, starting at a given point in time and using a constant grid spacing |
CTimeGrid | Interface: a grid and scale definition for time quantisation |
►Ntest | |
CAssetCategory_test | |
CBasicPipe_test | |
CCompoundMedia_test | Verifying the special operations available for compound media assets comprised of several elementary media assets |
CCreateAsset_test | |
CDeleteAsset_test | |
CDependentAssets_test | |
CIdentityOfAssets_test | |
CMakeClip_test | |
CMediaStructureQuery_test | This test documents the Interface used by MediaFactory when loading media files for querying Lumiera's vault layer for information on how the media file is structured |
COrderingOfAssets_test | |
CTestAsset | Test(mock) asset subclass usable for hijacking a given asset class (template parameter) and subsequently accessing internal facilities for writing unit tests |
►CAsset | Superinterface describing especially bookkeeping properties |
CIdent | POD comprised of all the information sufficiently identifying any given Asset |
CAssetManager | Facade for the Asset subsystem |
CBuildInstruct | (Interface) building instructions to be executed by the Builder on the render node network under construction |
CCategory | Tree like classification of Assets |
CClip | Bookkeeping (Asset) view of a media clip |
CCodec | Description of some media data decoder or encoder facility |
CCompoundMedia | Compound of several elementary media tracks, e.g |
CDataset | Meta asset describing a collection of control data |
CDB | Implementation of the registry holding all Asset instances known to the Asset Manager subsystem |
CDoAttach | |
CDoConditional | |
CDoRecurse | |
CEffect | Effect or media processing component |
CID | Thin wrapper around a size_t hash ID used as primary key for all Asset objects |
CID< Media > | |
CID< Meta > | |
CID< Pipe > | |
CID< Proc > | |
CID< Struct > | |
CIdentityHash | Trivial hash functor returns any hash value unmodified |
CIDErr | AssetManager error responses, caused by querying invalid Asset IDs from the internal DB |
CInventory | TypedID registration group exposed as meta asset |
Cis_pAsset | Type trait for detecting a shared-ptr-to-asset |
Cis_pAsset< shared_ptr< A > > | |
CMedia | Key abstraction: media-like assets |
CMediaFactory | Factory specialised for creating Media Asset objects |
CMeta | Key abstraction: metadata, parametrisation, customisation and similar organisational traits |
CMetaFactory | Factory specialised for creating Metadata Asset objects |
CPipe | Structural asset corresponding to the part of the model forming a processing pipe for generating media output |
CPreview | Special placeholder denoting an alternative version of the media data, typically with lower resolution ("proxy media") |
CProc | Key abstraction: data processing asset |
CProcFactory | Factory specialised for creating Processor Asset objects |
CProcPatt | "Processing Pattern" is a structural Asset representing information how to build some part of the render engine's processing nodes network |
CSequence | TODO type comment |
CStruct | Key abstraction: structural asset Created automatically as a sideeffect of building the structure of the high-level-model (session contents), thus providing IDs for later referral, search and attachment of metadata |
CStructFactory | Factory specialised for creating Structural Asset objects |
CStructFactoryImpl | Implementation details, especially concerning how configuration queries are resolved and when to create new objects automatically |
CTestClipAsset | An asset::Media instance Test Clip for checking various Asset operations and for creating dependent Clip-MObjects |
CTimeline | |
►CTypedID | |
CLink | Mixin for automatic TypedID registration |
CUnknown | Placeholder Asset for unknown or unavailable media source |
CUnknownID | |
CViewer | TODO type comment |
CWrongKind | |
►Ncmd | |
►Ntest | |
CCommandSetup_test | |
►Ncontrol | Steam-Layer dispatcher, controller and administrative facilities |
►Nanonymous_namespace{handling-patterns.hpp} | |
CBasicHandlingPattern | Handling Pattern Foundation: invoke command directly and without any external intervention |
CInvokeAsync | Handling Pattern: just schedule command to be invoked asynchronously |
CInvokeSyncNoThrow | Handling Pattern: invoke blocking, translate exceptions into an error state |
CInvokeSyncThrow | Handling Pattern: invoke blocking, propagating any exceptions immediately |
►Nbind_arg | |
C_Type | |
C_Type< std::tuple< TYPES... > > | |
CAcceptAnyBind | |
CAcceptArgs | |
CAcceptArgs< TAR, BA, RET, Types< T1 > > | < Accept binding for 1 Argument |
CAcceptArgs< TAR, BA, RET, Types< T1, T2 > > | < Accept binding for 2 Arguments |
CAcceptArgs< TAR, BA, RET, Types< T1, T2, T3 > > | < Accept binding for 3 Arguments |
CAcceptArgs< TAR, BA, RET, Types< T1, T2, T3, T4 > > | < Accept binding for 4 Arguments |
CAcceptArgs< TAR, BA, RET, Types< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > > | < Accept binding for 5 Arguments |
CAcceptArgs< TAR, BA, RET, Types< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 > > | < Accept binding for 6 Arguments |
CAcceptArgs< TAR, BA, RET, Types< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 > > | < Accept binding for 7 Arguments |
CAcceptArgs< TAR, BA, RET, Types< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 > > | < Accept binding for 8 Arguments |
CAcceptArgs< TAR, BA, RET, Types< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 > > | < Accept binding for 9 Arguments |
CAcceptArgs< TAR, BA, RET, Types<> > | < Accept dummy binding (0 Arguments) |
CAcceptBind | |
CAcceptBind< TAR, BA, RET, Types< T1 > > | < Accept binding for 1 Argument |
CAcceptBind< TAR, BA, RET, Types< T1, T2 > > | < Accept binding for 2 Arguments |
CAcceptBind< TAR, BA, RET, Types< T1, T2, T3 > > | < Accept binding for 3 Arguments |
CAcceptBind< TAR, BA, RET, Types< T1, T2, T3, T4 > > | < Accept binding for 4 Arguments |
CAcceptBind< TAR, BA, RET, Types< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > > | < Accept binding for 5 Arguments |
CAcceptBind< TAR, BA, RET, Types< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 > > | < Accept binding for 6 Arguments |
CAcceptBind< TAR, BA, RET, Types< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 > > | < Accept binding for 7 Arguments |
CAcceptBind< TAR, BA, RET, Types< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 > > | < Accept binding for 8 Arguments |
CAcceptBind< TAR, BA, RET, Types< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 > > | < Accept binding for 9 Arguments |
CAcceptBind< TAR, BA, RET, Types<> > | < Accept dummy binding (0 Arguments) |
CDummy | |
►Ncom | |
C_DefineBindFunc | < Steam-Layer command implementation details |
CCommandInvoker | |
CRuntimeCheckedCommandInvoker | |
►Nimpl | |
CCloneContext | < Interface and empty state |
CClonedContext | |
►Nstage | |
CBasicDefinition | |
CBuildUndoDefType | Type re-binding helper: create a suitable UndoDefinition type, based on the UndoSignature template instance given as parameter |
CCompletedDefinition | |
CUndoDefinition | |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{argument-tuple-accept-test.cpp} | |
C_Tup | |
CTestClass | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{command-argument-test.cpp} | |
CSint5 | Dummy custom memento datatype |
CTracker | Watching the instance creation of some parameter values |
►Nanonymous_namespace{command-instance-manager-test.cpp} | |
CFixture | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{dispatcher-looper-test.cpp} | |
CSetup | Setup for testing the Looper |
►Nanonymous_namespace{handling-pattern-basics-test.cpp} | |
CCustomHandler | |
CArgumentTupleAccept_test | |
CCommandArgument_test | |
CCommandBasic_test | |
CCommandBinding_test | |
CCommandCloneBuilder_test | |
CCommandEquality_test | |
CCommandInstanceManager_test | |
CCommandMessageBinding_test | |
CCommandMutation_test | Verify the behaviour of the type erased closure, which is used by Steam-Layer commands to implement the capturing and later re-invocation of a function |
CCommandQueue_test | |
CCommandRegistry_test | |
CCommandUse1_test | |
CCommandUse2_test | |
CCommandUse3_test | |
CDispatcherLooper_test | |
CHandlingPatternBasics_test | |
CHandlingPatternStandardImpl_test | |
CMementoTie_test | |
CSessionCommandFunction_test | |
CAcceptAnyBinding | Helper Template for control::Command, mix-in complete set of bind (...) functions |
CAcceptArgumentBinding | Helper Template for Steam-Layer control::Command : mix in a bind (...) function |
CAcceptArgumentBindingRet | Variation of AcceptArgumentBinding, allowing to control the return type of the generated bind (...) functions independently from SIG |
CAcceptArgumentTuple | Helper Template for building a Functor or function-like class: Mix in a function call operator, which mimics the specified signature SIG |
CArguments | |
CCmdClosure | Interface |
CCommand | Handle object representing a single Command instance to be used by client code |
CCommandDef | Helper class used solely for defining a Command-Object |
CCommandDispatch | Interface of a service to perform Commands on the session |
►CCommandImpl | Steam-Layer Command implementation |
C_Type | |
CCommandImplCloneBuilder | Visitor to support creating a CommandImpl clone |
CCommandInstanceManager | Maintain a current command instance for parametrisation |
CCommandQueue | Implementation of the Session's command queue |
CCommandRegistry | Registry managing command implementation objects (Singleton) |
CCommandSetup | Marker and Helper for writing Steam-Layer Command definitions |
CCommandSignature | Metaprogramming helper for building Command function signatures |
CDispatcherLoop | PImpl within SteamDispatcher to implement the Session Loop Thread. During the lifetime of this object.. |
CExecResult | Result (Status) of command execution |
CHandlingPattern | Interface: Operation Skeleton how to invoke or undo a command |
CLooper | Encapsulated control logic for the session thread loop |
CMediaImplLib | |
CMementoTie | Binding together state capturing and execution of the undo operation |
CMutation | Unspecific command functor for implementing Steam-Layer Command |
COpClosure | Closure to deal with the actual command operation |
Corder_by_impl | Helper for building a std::map with Command* as keys |
CParamAccessor | Helper for accessing an individual function parameter |
CParamAccessor< NullType, TUP, TUP, n > | < used for recursion end of implementation functions |
CPathManager | While building a render engine, this Strategy class decides on the actual render strategy in accordance to the current controller settings (system state) |
CSessionCommand | Global access point to invoke commands and cause edit operations within the Session |
CSessionCommandService | Actual implementation of the SessionCommand service within the Lumiera Session subsystem |
CSimpleClosure | Dummy / proof-of-concept implementation of CmdClosure |
CSteamDispatcher | Guard to manage processing commands to operate on the session |
CStorageHolder | This is "the" top level CmdClosure implementation |
►CSTypeManager | |
CRegistry | |
CTypedArguments | |
CUndoMutation | Specialised version of the command Mutation functor, used to implement the UNDO functionality |
►CUndoSignature | Type analysis helper template |
CCase | Case1: defining the Undo-Capture function |
CCase< void, ARG > | Case2: defining the actual Undo function |
►Nengine | Lumiera's render engine core and operational control |
►Nanonymous_namespace{node-builder.hpp} | |
CUseHeapAlloc | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{weaving-pattern-builder.hpp} | |
►C_ProcFun | Helper to pick up the parameter dimensions from the processing function |
CMatchBuffArray | |
CMatchBuffArray< std::array< BUF *, N > > | |
►Nconfig | Policies, definitions and tweaks to control the actual setup and behaviour of the render engine, and the way, render nodes are wired and instantiated |
CAllocBufferTable | |
CAllocOutput | |
►CConfigSelector | Helper for fabricating ProcNode Wiring configurations |
CFactoryHolder | < impl type erasure |
CFactoryTableBuilder | Helper: a visitor usable with FlagInfo |
CFeedCache | |
►CInstantiation | Helper template for semi-automatic detection if instantiation is possible |
CTest | |
COperationBase | Base class of all concrete invocation sequences |
CProcessData | |
CPullInput | |
CQueryCache | |
CReadSource | |
CReleaseBuffers | |
CSelectBuffProvider | |
CSelectBuffProvider< Config< CACHING, PROC_ign, INPLA_ign > > | |
CStrategy | |
CStrategy< Config< CACHING > > | |
CStrategy< Config< CACHING, PROCESS, INPLACE_ign > > | |
CStrategy< Config< INPLACE > > | |
CStrategy< Config< PROCESS, INPLACE_ign > > | |
CStrategy< Config<> > | |
CWiringDescriptorFactory | Fabricating a Connectivity descriptor tailored for a specific node wiring situation |
CWiringFactoryImpl | |
►Ndiagn | |
CBlock | Helper for implementing a diagnostic BufferProvider: A block of heap allocated storage, with the capability to store some additional tracking information |
CBlockPool | |
►Nmetadata | |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{buffer-metadata-key-test.cpp} | |
CKeyTypeSpecialisationDiagnostics | Helper to investigate the settings stored in Metadata Key elements |
CPlacedNumbers | Test Mock to verify the attachment of objects to the buffer |
CBufferMetadataKey_test | |
CEntry | A complete metadata Entry, based on a Key |
CKey | Description of a Buffer-"type" |
CTable | (Hash)Table to store and manage buffer metadata |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{mock-dispatcher.cpp} | |
►CDummyClosure | MockJob objects are backed by this closure |
CInvocation | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{node-devel-test.cpp} | |
CBuffer | Uninitialised local storage that can be passed as working buffer and accessed as TestFrame |
►Nanonymous_namespace{testframe.cpp} | |
CDistinctNucleus | |
CTestFrameTable | |
CBufferMetadata_test | |
CBufferProviderProtocol_test | |
CCalcStream_test | |
CDispatcherInterface_test | |
CEngineInterface_test | |
CFeedManifold_test | |
CJobHash_test | |
CJobPlanning_test | |
CJobPlanningPipeline_test | |
CMockDispatcher | A mocked frame Dispatcher setup without any backing model |
CMockJob | Mock setup for a render Job with NO action but built-in diagnostics |
CMockJobTicket | Mock setup for a JobTicket to generate dummy render Job invocations |
CMockSegmentation | Mock setup for a complete Segmentation to emulate the structure of the actual fixture, without the need of building a low-level Model |
CMockSupport_test | |
CNodeBase_test | |
CNodeBuilder_test | |
CNodeDevel_test | |
CNodeFeed_test | |
CNodeLink_test | |
CNodeMeta_test | |
CNodeOpera_test | |
CNodeStorage_test | |
►CTestFrame | Mock data frame for simulated rendering |
CMeta | |
CTestFrame_test | |
►CTestRandOntology | A fake Domain Ontology to describe mocked »render operations« on dummy data frames filled with random numbers |
CSpec | |
CTimings_test | |
CTrackingHeapBlockProvider_test | |
CActualInvocationProcess | The real invocation context state implementation |
CAllocBufferFromCache | < using the global current StateClosure, which will delegate to Cache |
CAllocBufferFromParent | < using the parent StateAdapter for buffer allocations |
CBuffDescr | An opaque descriptor to identify the type and further properties of a data buffer |
CBufferMetadata | Registry for managing buffer metadata |
CBufferProvider | Interface: a facility providing and managing working buffers for media calculations |
CBuffHandle | Handle for a buffer for processing data, abstracting away the actual implementation |
►CBuffTable | Tables of buffer handles and corresponding dereferenced buffer pointers |
CBuilder | |
CStorage | |
CStorageChunk | |
CBuffTableChunk | Obsolete, to be rewritten /////TICKET #826 to be allocated on the stack while evaluating a ProcNode::pull() call |
►CBuffTableStorage | Obsolete, to be rewritten /////TICKET #826 |
CBuffHaXXXX | Just a placeholder to decouple the existing code from the reworked BuffHandle logic |
CCalcStream | A calculation stream groups and abstracts a series of calculation jobs, delivering frames into the configured OutputSlot in a timely fashion |
CChannelDescriptor | |
CCompromise | |
CConnectivity | Interface: Description of the input and output ports, processing function and predecessor nodes for a given ProcNode |
CDefaultQoS | |
CDiagnosticBufferProvider | Helper for unit tests: Buffer provider reference implementation |
CDirectFunctionInvocation | Typical base configuration for a Weaving-Pattern chain: |
►CDispatcher | Internal abstraction: a service within the engine for translating a logical calculation stream (corresponding to a PlayProcess) into a sequence of individual RenderJob entries for calculations and data access |
CPipeFrameTick | Job-planning Step-1: establish a sequence of frame start times |
CPipelineBuilder | A Builder wrapper, allowing to build a Job-planning pipeline step by step, while supplying contextual information from the CalcStream |
CPlanningPipeline | A complete job-planning pipeline: this »Lumiera Forward Iterator« drives the actual job-planning process on-demand |
CDispatchTable | |
►CEngineCtx | |
CFacilities | |
CEngineDiagnostics | Render engine diagnostic facility |
►CEngineService | A service to schedule series of calculations, delivering the rendered data into an external output sink in a timely fashion |
CQuality | Quality-of-Service definition for an Render Engine usage |
CEngineServiceMock | Variant of the render engine, reconfigured for mock operation |
CExitNode | A top-level point in the render node network where data generation can be driven |
CFeedManifold | Obsolete, to be rewritten /////TICKET #826 |
CInChanDescriptor | |
CInvocation | Invocation context state |
CJobPlanning | View on the execution planning for a single calculation step |
►CJobTicket | Execution plan for pulling a specific exit node |
CPrerequisite | |
CProvision | |
CLinkBuilder | |
►CLocalTag | Opaque mark to be used by the BufferProvider implementation |
COpaqueData | |
CNodeBuilder | |
CNodeFactory | Create processing nodes based on given objects of the high-level model |
CNodeWiring | Actual implementation of the link between nodes, also acting as "track switch" for the execution path chosen while operating the node network for rendering |
CParamStorageFrame | |
CPatternData | Recursive functional data structure to collect weaving pattern data and finally to emplace a Turnout instance into the data storage for each port, as specified by preceding builder-API invocations |
CPatternDataAnchor | Data recursion end: prime the port data storage by reserving appropriate storage to hold all known Turnout elements |
CPort | |
CPortBuilder | |
CPortBuilderRoot | |
CPriorityQoS | |
CProcBuilder | |
CProcID | |
CProcNode | Key abstraction of the Render Engine: A Data processing Node |
CProcNode_Obsolete | Key abstraction of the Render Engine: A Data processing Node |
CProcNodeDiagnostic | |
CRenderDrive | The active drive to keep the render process going – implemented as a job planning job, that repeatedly triggers itself again for the next planning chunk |
CRenderEngine | |
CRenderEnvironment | Abstract definition of the environment hosting a given render activity (CalcStream) |
CRenderGraph | |
CRenderInvocation | A concrete JobFunctor with the ability to activate the »Render Node Network« |
CSimpleFunctionInvocationAdapter | Adapter to handle a simple yet common setup for media processing |
CSimpleWeavingPattern | Standard implementation for a Weaving Pattern to connect the input and output data feeds (buffers) into a processing function |
CStateAdapter | Adapter to shield the ProcNode from the actual buffer management, allowing the processing function within ProcNode to use logical buffer IDs |
CStateClosure_OBSOLETE | Abstraction to access the state of a currently ongoing render/calculation process, as it is tied to the supporting facilities of the vault layer |
CTrackingHeapBlockProvider | Simple BufferProvider implementation with additional allocation tracking |
CTurnout | Processing structure to activate a Render Node and produce result data |
CTurnoutSystem | Communication hub to coordinate and activate the »Render Node Network« performance |
CTypeHandler | A pair of functors to maintain a datastructure within a buffer |
CWeavingBuilder | A low-level Builder to prepare and adapt for a specific node invocation |
CWiringFactory | |
CWiringSituation | Finding out about a concrete way of wiring up a ProcNode about to be built |
►Nexternal | |
CImplFacadeGAVL | Concrete media lib implementation facade allowing to work with GAVL data frames and types in an implementation agnostic way |
CLibGavl | |
►Nfixture | Fixture and low-level-Model |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{fixture-change-detector-test.cpp} | |
CTestContext | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{model-port-registry-test.cpp} | |
CTestContext | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{segmentation-integration-test.cpp} | |
CTestContext | |
CFixtureChangeDetector_test | |
CFixtureSegment_test | |
CModelPortRegistry_test | |
CNodeGraphAttachment_test | |
CSegmentationIntegration_test | |
CFixture | |
CFixtureChangeDetector | TODO type comment |
►CModelPortRegistry | Management facility for tracking model ports |
CModelPortDescriptor | ModelPortDescriptor records are used as actual storage within the model port registration table; they are immutable value objects and never exposed to client code directly |
CNodeGraphAttachment | Binding and access point from a given Segment to access the actual render nodes |
CSegment | For the purpose of building and rendering, the fixture (for each timeline) is partitioned such that each segment is structurally constant. For each segment there is a RenderGraph (unit of the render engine) which is able to render all ExitNode(s) for this segment |
CSegmentation | For the purpose of building and rendering, the fixture (for each timeline) is partitioned such that each segment is structurally constant. The Segmentation defines and maintains this partitioning |
►Nmobject | Media-Objects, edit operations and high-level session |
►Nanonymous_namespace{output-mapping.hpp} | |
►C_def | |
CRebind | |
CRebind< RET(DEF::*)(PId)> | |
►Nbuilder | Namespace of the Builder, transforming high-level into low-level |
►Ntest | |
CBuilderTool_test | |
CBuildSegment_test | |
CTestTool | BuilderTool implementation for checking the invocation of the correct treat() function and for accessing the original Placement from within this invocation |
CApplicable | Declare the concrete types a BuilderTool may receive and treat |
CApplicableBuilderTargetTypes | Marker used to declare some visiting Tool class to be actually a mobject::builder::BuilderTool and to possibly accept and treat the common selection of types to be handled by any such builder tool |
CAssembler | This is the actual building facility: provided the correct tools and associations, it serves to build and connect the individual ProcNode objects |
CBuilderTool | Base class of all BuilderTools, used according to the visitor pattern: each Tool contains the concrete implementation for one task to be done to the various MObject classes |
CBuildProcessState | |
CCombiningMould | |
CConManager | Connection Manager: used to build the connections between render engine nodes if these nodes need to cooperate besides the normal "data pull" operation |
CInvokeCatchAllFunction | Policy invoking an catch-all function for processing an unknown tool / target pair, effectively enforcing the implementation of a catch-all function onUnknown(BASE&) |
CMould | Interface: a workbench-like tool used by the builder for wiring up a specific building situation, followed by the application/execution of a single building step |
CNodeCreatorTool | This Tool implementation plays the central role in the build process: given a MObject from Session, it is able to attach ProcNodes to the render engine under construction such as to reflect the properties of the MObject in the actual render |
COperationPoint | A point in the render node network under construction |
CPipeMould | |
CPNode | |
CRefPoint | |
CSegmentationTool | Tool implementation for deriving a partitioning of the current timeline, such that each Segment has a constant configuration |
CSourceChainMould | |
CToolFactory | Builder with the necessary, preconfigured tools |
CWiringMould | |
CWiringRequest | A statefull value object denoting the wish to establish a link or connection between two entities |
►Nsession | Namespace of Session and user visible high-level objects |
►Nanonymous_namespace{element-query.hpp} | |
C_PickRes | |
C_PickRes< bool(&)(Placement< MO > const &)> | |
C_PickRes< bool(*)(Placement< MO > const &)> | |
C_PickRes< function< bool(Placement< MO > const &)> > | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{placement-index-query-resolver.cpp} | |
CUseThisIndex | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{placement-index.cpp} | |
CSelfCheckFailure | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{sess-manager-impl.cpp} | |
CSessionLifecycleDetails | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{specific-contents-query.hpp} | |
C_PickResult | |
C_PickResult< bool(&)(Placement< MO > const &)> | |
C_PickResult< bool(*)(Placement< MO > const &)> | |
C_PickResult< function< bool(Placement< MO > const &)> > | |
►Nquery | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{fake-configrules.hpp} | |
CWrapReturn | Traits-class to define the smart-ptr to wrap the result |
CWrapReturn< ProcPatt > | |
CLookupPreconfigured | Building block providing the mock implementation for a single type |
CMockConfigRules | Facade: Dummy Implementation of the query interface |
CMockTable | Actual table holding preconfigured answers packaged as boost::any objects |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{session-element-tracker-test.cpp} | |
CDummy | Test Dummy: to be created through the inherited static create(), managed by smart-ptr |
►Nanonymous_namespace{session-service-access-test.cpp} | |
CInternalAPI_1 | |
CInternalAPI_2 | |
CTServiceAccessPoint | |
CTServiceAccessPoint< InternalAPI_1, IMPL > | |
CTServiceAccessPoint< InternalAPI_2, IMPL > | |
CTSession | |
CTSessionImpl | |
CTSessionServices | |
CTSessManager | |
CTSessManagerImpl | |
CAddClip_test | |
CDefsManager_test | |
CDefsManagerImpl_test | |
CDeleteClip_test | |
CDummyEntity | |
CPlacementBasic_test | |
CPlacementHierarchy_test | |
CPlacementIndex_test | |
CPlacementIndexQuery_test | |
CPlacementRef_test | |
CPlacementScope_test | |
CQueryFocus_test | |
CQueryFocusStack_test | |
CRebuildFixture_test | |
CScopePath_test | |
CScopeQuery_test | |
CSessionElementQuery_test | |
CSessionElementTracker_test | |
CSessionManager_test | Check the session management operations provided by mobject::session::Session This includes accessing the current Session (somewhat a singleton) |
CSessionModifyParts_test | |
CSessionServiceAccess_test | Verify the access mechanism both to the pubic session API and to implementation level APIs used by Steam-Layer internals |
CSessionStructure_test | |
CTestbed | |
CTestClip | Sample or Test Clip for checking various model, session and builder operations |
CTestPlacement | |
CTimelineSequenceHandling_test | |
CAbstractMO | Abstract base class of all MObjects for providing common services |
CAllocation | Interface (abstract): any objective, constraint or wish of placing a MObject in a specific way |
CAuto | Automation data for some parameter (i.e |
CBinding | Explicit link to bind a Sequence (container) to be used within the Session, either as contents of a top level Timeline, or as embedded MetaClip |
CBuildID | Helper for building Placement-ID types |
CBuildID< Placement< MO, BMO > > | |
CBusMO | Model entity corresponding to a global pipe |
CChildExplorer | Strategy: explore the structure just by following the given iterator; usually this yields an element's children |
CClip | A user visible/editable Clip is a reference to a contiguous sequence of media data loaded as Asset into the current Session |
CConstraint | LocatingPin representing an directive by the user that must not be violated |
CContentsQuery | |
CDeepExplorer | Strategy: explore the structure depth first |
CDiscoveryQuery | ABC to build Queries for placement-attached objects |
CDummySessionConnection | Scaffolding to drive the evolution of the Lumiera application |
CEffect | |
CElementQuery | Access point to session global search and query functions |
CExplorer | Interface: strategy for exploring the structure |
CFixedLocation | The most common case of positioning a MObject in the Session: directly specifying a constant position |
CFork | A Fork serves as grouping device within the Session |
CGeneratorMO | A lksjaf |
CLabel | Any sort of User visible Marker or Tag, used to mark time positions and ranges, or specific locations to attach other MObjects to |
CLifecycleAdvisor | Skeleton of operations conducting the session lifecycle sequences |
►CLocatingPin | Positioning specification, possibly chained to further specifications |
CLocatingSolution | |
CMeta | Meta-MObject doesn't represent real Media Content, but rather all sorts of Processing Instructions and other metadata, which can be placed and attached within the Model/Session |
CMObjectFactory | |
CPathQuery | |
►CPlacementIndex | Structured compound of Placement instances with lookup capabilities |
►CTable | Storage and implementation backing the PlacementIndex |
CPlacementEntry | |
CValidator | PlacementIndex self-verification code Executes all built-in checks automatically on object creation |
CPlacementIndexQueryResolver | Wrapper for the PlacementIndex, allowing to resolve scope contents discovery |
CPlug | LocatingPin for requesting connection to some Pipe |
CQueryFocus | Current focus location to use as point-of reference for contents and location discovery queries |
CQueryFocusStack | A custom stack holding ScopePath »frames« |
CRelativeLocation | |
CResultSet | On query, an individual result set is prepared to be explored by the invoking client code |
CRoot | High-level model root element, corresponding to the global session wide scope |
CScope | A Placement scope within the high-level-model |
CScopeLocator | Singleton service establishing a link to relate any compound of nested placement scopes to the current session and the current focus for querying and exploring this structure |
CScopePath | Sequence of nested scopes within the high-level model |
CScopeQuery | Query a scope to discover it's contents or location |
CServiceAccessPoint | Access point to a single implementation-level API |
CServiceAccessPoint< SessionServiceDefaults, IMPL > | |
►CServiceAccessPoint< SessionServiceExploreScope, IMPL > | |
CAccessCurrentIndex | Indirection to use the currently defined index access point (might be a test mock) |
CServiceAccessPoint< SessionServiceFetch, IMPL > | |
CServiceAccessPoint< SessionServiceMockIndex, IMPL > | |
CServiceAccessPoint< SessionServiceMutate, IMPL > | |
CSessionImpl | Implementation class for the Session interface |
CSessionInterfaceModules | Collection of implementation components, providing self-contained sub-elements exposed on the public Session API |
CSessionServiceDefaults | |
CSessionServiceExploreScope | Implementation-level service for issuing contents/discovery queries |
CSessionServiceFetch | Implementation-level service for resolving an Placement-ID |
CSessionServiceMockIndex | There is an implicit PlacementIndex available on a global level, by default implemented within the current session |
CSessionServiceMutate | Implementation-level service for resolving an Placement-ID |
CSessionServices | Collection of configured implementation-level services to provide by the Session |
CSessManager | Creation, access and Session lifecycle Interface |
CSessManagerImpl | Session manager implementation class holding the actual smart pointer to the current Session impl |
►CSpecificContentsQuery | From the session, based on a filter predicate |
CFilter | Filter functor, built on top of a predicate, which is provided by the client on creation of this SpecivicContentsQuery instance |
CUpExplorer | Strategy: explore the structure upwards, ascending until reaching the root element |
CWish | LocatingPin representing a low-priority directive by the user, to be fulfilled only if possible (and after satisfying the more important LocatingPins) |
►Ntest | |
CDummyMO | Test MObject subclass, which, contrary to any real MObject, can be created directly without involving MObjectFactory |
CMObjectInterface_test | |
CMObjectRef_test | |
►COutputMapping_test | |
CDummyDef | |
CPlacementObjectIdentity_test | |
CTestPlacement | |
CTestPlacement<> | |
CTestSubMO1 | Subclass-1 is not defined "processible", thus will always be handled as DummyMO.. |
CTestSubMO2 | Subclass-2 is defined "processible", but we omit the necessary "applicable" definition in TestTool, resulting in an invocation of the error (catch-all) function.. |
CTestSubMO21 | |
CAbsoluteSpec | |
CBuildable | Marker Interface for classes visitable by Builder tools |
CBuilderFacade | Provides unified access to the builder functionality |
CExplicitPlacement | Special kind of Placement, where the location of the MObject has been nailed down to a fixed position |
CIndirectSpec | |
CInterpolator | Provides the implementation for getting the actual value of a time varying or automated effect/plugin parameter |
CMObject | MObject is the interface class for all "Media Objects" |
CModelPort | Handle designating a point within the model, where actually output data can be pulled |
CMORef | An active (smart-ptr like) external reference to a specifically placed MObject "instance" within the session |
►COutputDesignation | Descriptor to denote the desired target of produced media data |
CTargetSpec | |
►COutputMapping | OutputMapping is a facility to resolve output designations |
CResolver | |
CParameter | Descriptor and access object for a plugin parameter |
CParamProvider | A facility to get the actual value of a plugin/effect parameter |
CPlacement | A refcounting Handle to an MObject of type MO, used to constrain or explicitly specify the location where the MObject is supposed to be within the Session/Model |
CPlacement< MObject, MObject > | This specialisation forms the root of all placements and defines all of Placement's actual functionality |
CPlacementRef | Reference tag denoting a placement attached to the session |
CRelativeSpec | |
CSession | The (current) Session holds all the user visible content to be edited and manipulated within the Lumiera Application |
►Nnode | |
CDummyImageGenerator | |
CDummyTick | Tick generating service for a periodic callback, with adjustable frequency |
CTickService | Tick generating service for a periodic callback, with adjustable frequency |
►Nplay | Playback and rendering control subsystem |
►Nanonymous_namespace{dummy-player-service.cpp} | |
CDummyPlayerSubsysDescriptor | Details of how the DummyPlayer service can be started and used as independent "subsystem" within main() |
►Nanonymous_namespace{render-configurator.cpp} | |
CLumieraRenderProcessBuilder | |
►Ntest | |
CDummyPlayConnection | Framework for dummy playback and rendering |
CDummyPlayConnection_test | |
COutputSlotProtocol_test | |
CPlayTestFrames_Strategy | |
CSimulatedBuilderContext | Helper for dummy render engine: Simulate the result of a build process, without actually running the builder |
CTimingConstraints_test | |
CUnimplementedConnection | |
CDataSink | Denotes an opened connection ready to receive media data for output |
►CDiagnosticOutputSlot | Helper for unit tests: Mock output sink |
COutputFramesLog | Diagnostic facility to verify test data frames written to this Test/Dummy "output" |
CSimulatedOutputSequences | Special diagnostic connection state implementation, establishing diagnostic output connections for each channel, thus allowing to verify the handling of individual buffers |
CDummyPlayerService | Actual implementation of the DummyPlayer service |
CFeed | Rendering data feed, corresponding to a single global pipe and to be delivered into a single OutputSlot |
COutputDirector | Management of external Output connections |
COutputManager | Management of external Output connections |
►COutputSlot | Interface: Generic output sink |
CAllocation | |
CConnection | |
CConnectionState | Extension point for Implementation |
►COutputSlotImplBase | Base for OutputSlot standard implementation |
CConnectionManager | Maintaining a list of active connections |
CPlayController | TODO do we still need that?????? Isn't lumiera::Play::Controller already sufficient? |
CPlayProcess | Playback/Render process within the Lumiera Player |
CPlayService | Implementation access point: Player subsystem |
CProcessImpl | Actual implementation of a single (dummy) playback process |
CProcessTable | |
CRenderConfigurator | Strategy for configuring the render process |
CTimings | Generic frame timing specification |
CTrackingInMemoryBlockSequence | Diagnostic output connection for a single channel, allowing to track generated frames and verify the processing protocol for output buffers |
►Ntest | |
CRenderSegment_test | |
►Ntest_format | |
CStreamTypeBasics_test | |
CStreamTypeLifecycle_test | |
CConfigResolver | User-visible Interface to the ConfigRules subsystem |
CFacade | Global access point for the services implemented by the Steam-Layer |
CPlayOutSubsysDescriptor | |
CSessionSubsystem | |
►CStreamType | |
CImplConstraint | Special case of an implementation type being only partially specified Besides requiring some aspect of the implementation type, there is the promise to fill in defaults to build a complete implementation type if necessary |
►CImplFacade | A (more or less) concrete implementation type, wired up as a facade providing the basic set of operations |
CDataBuffer | Placeholder type for the contents of a data buffer |
CTypeTag | Opaque placeholder (type erasure) for implementation specific type info |
CPrototype | |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{suite.cpp} | |
CRegistry | Helper to collect and manage the test cases |
CSuiteSeedNucleus | |
CLaunch | Helper class for running a collection of tests |
CLauncher | Interface: generic testcase creating functor |
CSuite | Enables running a collection of tests |
CTest | Abstract Base Class for all testcases |
CTestOption | Support for selecting and configuring testcases via commandline arguments |
CTestOption_test | Invokes the TestOption parser for various example commandlines |
►Ntext_template | |
CDataSource | |
CDataSource< MapS > | Data-binding for a Map-of-strings |
CDataSource< string > | Adapter for the Map-Data-Source to consume a string spec (for testing) |
►Nutil | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{access-casted-o.hpp} | |
Ccan_cast | |
Ccan_cast< SRC &, TAR & > | |
Ccan_cast< SRC *&, TAR * > | |
Ccan_cast< SRC *, TAR * > | |
CEmptyVal | |
CEmptyVal< X *& > | |
ChasRTTI | |
Cuse_conversion | |
Cuse_dynamic_downcast | |
Cuse_static_downcast | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{access-casted.hpp} | |
Ccan_dereference | |
Ccan_downcast | |
Ccan_take_address | |
Ccan_use_conversion | |
Ccan_use_dynamic_downcast | |
Chas_RTTI | |
Cif_can_dereference | |
Cif_can_take_address | |
Cif_can_use_conversion | |
Cif_can_use_dynamic_downcast | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{format-string.hpp} | |
C_allow_call | By default we don't allow to treat any types directly by boost::format |
C_allow_call< char > | |
C_allow_call< double > | |
C_allow_call< float > | |
C_allow_call< int16_t > | |
C_allow_call< int32_t > | |
C_allow_call< int64_t > | |
C_allow_call< long > | |
C_allow_call< string > | |
C_allow_call< uchar > | |
C_allow_call< uint16_t > | |
C_allow_call< uint32_t > | |
C_allow_call< uint64_t > | |
C_allow_call< ulong > | |
C_is_smart_wrapper | |
C_is_smart_wrapper< std::shared_ptr< T > > | |
C_is_smart_wrapper< std::unique_ptr< T, D > > | |
C_shall_convert_toString | |
C_shall_format_directly | |
C_shall_show_smartWrapper | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{format-util.hpp} | |
C_RangeIter | |
C_RangeIter< IT, lib::meta::enable_if< can_IterForEach< IT > > > | |
CSeqContainer | |
CSeqContainer< vector< X >, ELMS... > | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{util-coll.hpp} | |
Ccan_direct_access_Last | |
Ctreat_as_LumieraIterator | |
Ctreat_as_STL_Container | |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{access-casted-test.cpp} | |
CB | |
CD | |
CE | |
CF | |
CX | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{format-cout-test.cpp} | |
CReticent | Opaque class without string conversion |
►Nanonymous_namespace{format-helper-test.cpp} | |
CAutoCounter | |
CReticent | |
CUnReticent | |
CAccessCasted_test | |
CFormatCOUT_test | |
CFormatHelper_test | |
►CFormatString_test | |
CExplosive | |
CSilent | |
CVerbose | |
CIosSavepoint_test | |
CRational_test | |
CRemoveFromSet_test | |
CUtilCollection_test | |
CUtilFloordiv_test | |
CUtilFloorwrap_test | |
►CUtilForeach_test | |
CDummy | |
CTestElm | |
►CUtilIdentity_test | |
CBoo | Dummy entity to compare |
CSuBoo | |
CUtilParseBool_test | |
CUtilSanitizedIdentifier_test | |
CUtilTuple_test | |
►C_Fmt | A front-end for using printf-style formatting |
CConverter | Helper to prepare parameters for inclusion |
CConverter< bool > | |
CConverter< const char * > | |
CConverter< lib::Literal > | |
CConverter< lib::Symbol > | |
CConverter< SP, lib::meta::enable_if< _shall_show_smartWrapper< SP > > > | |
CConverter< VAL * > | |
CConverter< VAL, lib::meta::enable_if< _shall_convert_toString< VAL > > > | Some custom types explicitly provide a string representation |
CConverter< VAL, lib::meta::enable_if< _shall_format_directly< VAL > > > | Some basic types are directly forwarded down to the implementation; |
CConverter< void * > | |
CAccessCasted | Helper template to access a given value, possibly converted or casted in a safe way |
CAccessCasted_O | |
CCloneable | Types marked with this mix-in may be duplicated by copy-construction, yet may not be moved or transferred any further after creation |
CIDiv | Helper to treat int or long division uniformly |
CIDiv< int > | |
CIDiv< llong > | |
CIDiv< long > | |
CIosSavepoint | RAII helper to capture and restore output stream format settings |
CMoveAssign | Types marked with this mix-in may be moved and move-assigned |
CMoveOnly | Types marked with this mix-in may be moved but not copied |
CNoInstance | Not meant to be instantiated in any way |
CNonAssign | Types marked with this mix-in may be created and moved liberally at construction, while any further assignment to object instances is prohibited thereafter |
CNonCopyable | Any copy and copy construction prohibited |
CNullAccessor | |
CRegexSearchIter | Wrapped regex iterator to allow usage in foreach loops |
CStringConv | Failsafe invocation of custom string conversion |
CStringConv< bool > | |
CStringConv< double > | Explicit specialisation to control precision of double values |
CStringConv< float > | |
CStringConv< fs::path, void > | Specialisation: render filesystem path as double quoted string |
CStringConv< lib::meta::Num< i > > | |
CStringConv< lib::time::FSecs, void > | Specialisation: render fractional seconds (for diagnostics) |
CStringConv< SP, show_SmartPointer< SP > > | |
CStringConv< std::tuple< TYPES... > > | |
CStringConv< X *, lib::meta::disable_if< std::__or_< std::is_same< std::remove_cv_t< X >, char >, std::is_same< std::remove_cv_t< X >, void > > > > | Specialisation to allow rendering pointers to string-convertible types |
CStringConv< X, enable_LexicalConversion< X > > | |
CStringConv< X, lib::meta::enable_CustomStringConversion< X > > | |
►Nvault | Vault-Layer implementation namespace root |
►Ngear | Active working gear and plumbing |
►Nactivity | |
CHook | Extension point to invoke a callback from Activity activation |
CInstant | < special definitions for the Scheduler activity language |
CTerm | A Term of the »Activity Language«, describing the steps necessary to perform the calculation of a single frame or similar tasks |
►NblockFlow | |
CDefaultConfig | Lightweight yet safe parametrisation of memory management |
►CEpoch | Allocation Extent holding scheduler Activities to be performed altogether before a common deadline. Other than the underlying raw Extent, the Epoch maintains a deadline time and keeps track of storage slots already claimed |
CEpochGate | Specifically rigged GATE Activity, used for managing Epoch metadata |
CRenderConfig | Parametrisation tuned for Render Engine performance |
CStrategy | Policy template to mix into the BlockFlow allocator, providing the parametrisation for self-regulation |
►Ntest | |
►Nbench | |
►CBreakingPoint | Specific stress test scheme to determine the »breaking point« where the Scheduler starts to slip |
CRes | |
►CLoadPeak_ParamRange_Evaluation | Mix-in for setup of a #ParameterRange evaluation to watch the processing of a single load peak, using the number of added job as independent parameter |
CDataRow | |
CParameterRange | Specific test scheme to perform a Scheduler setup over a given control parameter range to determine correlations |
►CActivityDetector | Diagnostic context to record and evaluate activations within the Scheduler |
C_DiagnosticFun | |
CActivityProbe | A rigged CALLBACK-Activity to watch passing of activations |
CDiagnosticFun | A Mock functor, logging all invocations into the EventLog |
CFakeExecutionCtx | Mock setup of the execution context for Activity activation |
CMockJobFunctor | A Mocked job operation to detect any actual invocation |
CActivityDetector_test | |
CActivityMatch | |
CBlockFlow_test | |
CChainFunctor | Baseclass: JobFunctor to invoke TestChainLoad |
CComputationalLoad | A calibratable CPU load to be invoked from a node job functor |
CIndicator | Distribution indicators for one kind of evaluation |
CLevelWeight | |
CRandomChainCalcFunctor | Render JobFunctor to invoke the calculation of a single Node |
CRandomChainPlanFunctor | Render JobFunctor to perform chunk wise planning of Node jobs to calculate a complete Chain-Load graph step by step |
CSchedulerActivity_test | |
CSchedulerCommutator_test | |
CSchedulerInterface_test | |
CSchedulerInvocation_test | |
CSchedulerLoadControl_test | |
CSchedulerService_test | |
CSchedulerStress_test | |
CSchedulerUsage_test | |
CSpecialJobFun_test | |
CStatistic | Statistic data calculated for a given chain-load topology |
CStatKey | |
►CStressTestRig | Configurable template framework for running Scheduler Stress tests Use to build a custom setup class, which is then injected to perform a specific measurement tool. Several tools and detailed customisations are available in namespace bench |
CLauncher | |
►CTestChainLoad | A Generator for synthetic Render Jobs for Scheduler load testing |
►CNode | Graph Data structure |
CTab | Table with connections to other Node records |
►CNodeControlBinding | Policy/Binding for generation of random parameters by »drawing« based on the node-hash |
CAdaptor | Adaptor to handle further mapping functions |
CAdaptor< RES(double)> | Rules may also build solely on the (guessed) height |
CAdaptor< RES(size_t)> | Allow simple rules directly manipulating the hash value |
CAdaptor< RES(size_t, double)> | Allow rules additionally involving the height of the graph, which also represents time |
CScheduleCtx | Setup and wiring for a test run to schedule a computation structure as defined by this TestChainLoad instance |
CTestChainLoad_test | |
CWorkForce_test | |
►Nwork | |
CConfig | Base for configuration of the worker pool |
CWorker | Individual worker thread: repeatedly pulls the doWork functor |
CActivationEvent | |
►CActivity | Record to describe an Activity, to happen within the Scheduler's control flow |
CArgumentData | Storage of Argument data dependent on Activity::verb_ |
CCallback | Extension point to invoke |
CCondition | Access gate condition to evaluate |
CFeed | Payload data to provide |
CInvocation | External work functor to activate |
CNotification | Notification towards another Activity |
CTimeWindow | Time window to define for activation |
CTiming | Timing observation to propagate |
CActivityLang | Term builder and execution framework to perform chains of scheduler Activities |
►CBlockFlow | Allocation scheme for the Scheduler, based on Epoch(s) |
CAllocatorHandle | Local handle to allow allocating a collection of Activities, all sharing a common deadline |
CStorageAdaptor | Adapt the access to the raw storage to present the Extents as Epoch; also caches the address resolution for performance reasons (+20%) |
CEngineConfig | Point of access for any kind of engine configuration, setup and performance tweaks |
►CEngineEvent | Low-level Render Engine event — abstracted storage base |
CPayload | |
CEngineObserver | Collector and aggregator for performance data |
CFlowDiagnostic | |
CJob | Individual frame rendering task, forwarding to a closure |
CJobClosure | Interface of the closure for frame rendering jobs |
CJobFunctor | |
►CLoadController | Controller to coordinate resource usage related to the Scheduler |
CWiring | |
CManifestationID | Marker for current (and obsolete) manifestations of a CalcStream processed by the Render-Engine |
CNopJobFunctor | Stub/Test implementation of the JobFunctor interface for a render job to do nothing at all |
►CScheduler | »Scheduler-Service« : coordinate render activities |
CExecutionCtx | |
CSetup | Binding of worker callbacks to the scheduler implementation |
►CSchedulerCommutator | Scheduler Layer-2 : execution of Scheduler Activities |
CScopedGroomingGuard | |
CWorkerInstruction | Monad-like step sequence: perform sequence of steps, as long as the result remains activity::PASS |
CSchedulerDiagnostics | Render engine diagnostic facility |
►CSchedulerFrontend | Access point to the scheduler service provided by the back-end |
CJobTransaction | Definition context for jobs to be scheduled |
CSchedulerInvocation | Scheduler Layer-1 : time based dispatch |
CScheduleSpec | |
CSpecialFunPrototype | Interface: JobFunctor configured to invoke a function a limited number of times |
►CSpecialJobFun | Front-end to configure a special job functor for one-time use |
CSpecialExecutor | |
CWorkForce | Pool of worker threads for rendering |
CWorkTiming | Work-timing event for performance observation |
►Nmem | Memory Management |
►Ntest | |
CExtentFamily_test | |
CExtentDiagnostic | |
►CExtentFamily | Memory manager to provide a sequence of Extents for cyclic usage |
CExtent | Logical structure of a memory Extent |
CIdxLink | Iteration »State Core« based on Extents index position |
CStorage | Entry in the Extents management datastructure |
►Ntest | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{media-access-mock.cpp} | |
CResponse | |
CTestCases | |
CMediaAccessMock | Mock implementation of the MediaAccessFacade |
CMediaAccessMock_test | |
CChanDesc | Description of one channel found in a media file; result of querying the channel |
CEngineFacade | Interface to the vault layer (render engine subsystem): Global access point for starting the render engine subsystem and for defining the public interface(s) for talking with the engine |
CEngineSubsysDescriptor | |
CMediaAccessFacade | Interface to the vault layer: provides functions for querying (opening) a media file, detecting the channels or streams found within this file etc |
CMediaDesc | Descriptor holding the global information record required for further handling this kind of media within Lumiera |
CNetNodeFacade | Interface to the vault layer (renderfarm node): Global access point for starting a server listening on a TCP port and accepting render tasks |
CNetNodeSubsysDescriptor | |
CRealClock | Convenience frontend to access the current raw system time |
CScriptRunnerFacade | Interface to the vault layer (TODO 2018 really?) (script runner): Global access point for starting a script within Lumiera application context |
CScriptRunnerSubsysDescriptor | |
CDataSource | Binding to a specific data source |
CExamplePlugin | |
CExamplePlugin_de | |
CExamplePlugin_en | |
CInvocationInstanceID | Opaque ID attached to each individual job invocation |
CInvocationInstanceID.code | |
CInvocationInstanceID.part | |
Cllist | |
Clumiera_config | |
Clumiera_config_lookup | Just contains a hashtable to give sufficient abstraction |
Clumiera_config_lookupentry | |
Clumiera_configentry | |
Clumiera_configitem | |
Clumiera_configitem_vtable | |
Clumiera_displaySlot | |
Clumiera_errorcontext | Holding error and some context data |
Clumiera_interface | Header for an interface, just the absolute necessary metadata |
Clumiera_interfacenode | Interface management node |
Clumiera_interfaceslot | This is just a placeholder for an entry in a interface table |
Clumiera_jobDefinition | Complete definition of an individual job |
Clumiera_jobDescriptor | Description of a job |
Clumiera_jobParameter | Invocation parameter for the individual frame calculation job |
Clumiera_mutex | Mutex |
Clumiera_playprocess | |
Clumiera_plugin | |
Clumiera_plugintype | Record the extension and a callback function for loading the associated plugin for each plugin type |
Clumiera_recmutex | Recursive Mutex |
Clumiera_tmpbuf_struct | |
CLumieraJobClosure | Closure representing the execution context of a job |
CLumieraSectionlock | Sectionlock used to manage the state of mutexes |
Cpsplay | Type and handle for a psplay root structure This structure shall be treated opaque, its only defined in the header to allow one to integrate it directly instead referencing it |
Cpsplaynode | Type and handle for a psplay tree node This node have to be placed inside users data |
Cpsplaytrail | |
CRsvgSizeCallbackData | |
CRsvgSourceRectangle | |
CTestItem | |
►CTextTemplate | Text template substitution engine |
CAction | |
CActionCompiler | |
CInstanceCore | Iterator »State Core« to process the template instantiation |
CParseCtx |