70 return static_cast<const ID<Proc>&
> (Asset::getID());
75 typedef void (ProcFunc) (PBuff);
88 resolveProcessor()
const =0;
Framework for classification of media streams.
Any copy and copy construction prohibited.
static ProcFactory create
storage for the static ProcFactory instance
Steam-Layer implementation namespace root.
Factory specialised for creating Processor Asset objects.
Mix-Ins to allow or prohibit various degrees of copying and cloning.
a POD comprised of all the information sufficiently identifying any given Asset.
key abstraction: data processing asset
Superinterface describing especially bookkeeping properties.
Steam-Layer Interface: Assets.
size_t HashVal
a STL compatible hash value
Customised refcounting smart pointer template, built upon std::shared_ptr, but forwarding type relati...
Result instruction from Activity activation.
virtual const ID< Proc > & getID() const
The asset subsystem of the Steam-Layer.
placeholder type for the contents of a data buffer.
thin wrapper around a size_t hash ID used as primary key for all Asset objects.