61 ENSURE (newNode.isValid());
"Node Factory for reworked Render Node Connectivity");
A refcounting Handle to an MObject of type MO, used to constrain or explicitly specify the location w...
Memory management for the low-level model (render nodes network).
Effective top-level exit point to pull rendered data from the nodes network.
Steam-Layer implementation namespace root.
A factory to build processing nodes.
WiringSituation & resolveProcessor(asset::Proc const &procAsset)
trigger resolving of the actual processing function
Interface: Description of the input and output ports, processing function and predecessor nodes for a...
Key abstraction of the Render Engine: A Data processing Node.
static ExitNode NIL
storage for the »inactive« ExitNode marker
Finding out about a concrete way of wiring up a ProcNode about to be built.