file | access-casted-o.hpp [code] |
| Helper for accessing a value, employing either conversion or downcast, depending on the relation of the source type (type of the original value) and the target type (type we need within the usage context).
file | access-casted.hpp [code] |
| Helper for accessing a value, employing either a conversion or downcast, depending on the relation of the source type (type of the original value) and the target type (type we need within the usage context).
file | allocation-cluster.cpp [code] |
| Implementation of memory management helper functions for the render engine model.
file | allocation-cluster.hpp [code] |
| Memory management for the low-level model (render nodes network).
file | allocator-handle.hpp [code] |
| A front-end/concept to allow access to custom memory management.
file | binary-search.hpp [code] |
| Textbook implementation of the classical binary search over continuous domain.
file | builder-qualifier-support.hpp [code] |
| Mix-in to support builder functions to accept optional qualifier terms.
file | call-queue.hpp [code] |
| A Queue for function invocations, allowing them to be dispatched on demand.
file | cmdline.cpp [code] |
| Implementation of a wrapper / marker to handle "commandline arguments".
file | cmdline.hpp [code] |
| Class to encapsulate the typical C-style commandline definition.
file | del-stash.hpp [code] |
| Collecting and finally triggering deleter functions.
file | depend-inject.hpp [code] |
| Per type specific configuration of instances created as service dependencies.
file | depend.hpp [code] |
| Singleton services and Dependency Injection.
file | diagnostic-context.hpp [code] |
| Facility for collecting diagnostic context information explicitly.
file | dot-gen.hpp [code] |
| Support for generation of Graphviz-DOT code for structure visualisation.
file | element-tracker.hpp [code] |
| Tracking instances automatically on creation and disposal.
file | error-exception.cpp [code] |
| implementation of C++-style error handling.
file | error-state.c [code] |
| implementation of C-style error handling in Lumiera.
file | error.h [code] |
| Lumiera error handling (C interface).
file | error.hpp [code] |
| Lumiera error handling (C++ interface).
file | format-cout.hpp [code] |
| Automatically use custom string conversion in C++ stream output.
file | format-obj.cpp [code] |
| Some implementation helpers for simple object display.
file | format-obj.hpp [code] |
| Simple functions to represent objects, for debugging and diagnostics.
file | format-string.cpp [code] |
| Implementation for printf-style formatting, based on boost::format.
file | format-string.hpp [code] |
| Front-end for printf-style string template interpolation.
file | format-util.hpp [code] |
| Collection of small helpers and convenience shortcuts for diagnostics & formatting.
file | frameid.hpp [code] |
| Marker tuple to identify a specific frame.
file | gnuplot-gen.cpp [code] |
| Definition of building blocks and preconfigured styles for Gnuplot scripts.
file | gnuplot-gen.hpp [code] |
| Preconfigured setup for data visualisation with Gnuplot.
file | handle.hpp [code] |
| A generic opaque handle to an implementation entity, including lifecycle management.
file | hash-fnv.c [code] |
| Implementation of FNV ("Fowler-Noll-Vo") hashing functions.
file | hash-fnv.h [code] |
| Fowler-Noll-Vo Hashes.
file | hash-indexed.hpp [code] |
| A template for generating hash based ID tags carrying compile-time type info.
file | hash-standard.hpp [code] |
| Helper to use a single extension point for specialised hash functions.
file | hash-value.h [code] |
| Hash value types and utilities.
file | hetero-data.hpp [code] |
| Maintain a chained sequence of heterogeneous data blocks without allocation.
file | incidence-count.hpp [code] |
| Record and evaluate concurrent activations.
file | index-iter.hpp [code] |
| Iterator-style access handle to a referred container with subscript index.
file | ios-savepoint.hpp [code] |
| Capture previous settings of an std::ostream and restore them when leaving scope.
file | iter-adapter-ptr-deref.hpp [code] |
| Extension adapter for Lumiera Forward Iterators to dereference any pointer values automatically.
file | iter-adapter-stl.hpp [code] |
| Preconfigured adapters for some STL container standard usage situations.
file | iter-adapter.hpp [code] |
| Helper template(s) for creating Lumiera Forward Iterators.
file | iter-chain-search.hpp [code] |
| Evaluation mechanism to apply a sequence of conditions onto a linear search.
file | iter-cursor.hpp [code] |
| An iterator with the ability to switch direction.
file | iter-explorer.hpp [code] |
| Building tree expanding and backtracking evaluations within hierarchical scopes.
file | iter-source.hpp [code] |
| Extension module to build an opaque data source, accessible as Lumiera Forward Iterator.
file | iter-stack.hpp [code] |
| Conveniently iterable stack and queue containers.
file | iter-zip.hpp [code] |
| Iterator builder to combine several iterables into a tuple sequence.
file | itertools.hpp [code] |
| Helpers for working with iterators based on the pipeline model.
file | lazy-init.hpp [code] |
| Building block to allow delayed initialisation of infrastructure tied to a functor.
file | lifecycle.cpp [code] |
| Implementation of installable callbacks for lifecycle events.
file | lifecycleregistry.hpp [code] |
| Helper for registering lifecycle event callbacks, which are provided as a global service by lumiera::AppState.
file | linked-elements.hpp [code] |
| Intrusive single linked list with optional ownership.
file | llist.h [code] |
| Intrusive cyclic double linked list There is only one node type which contains a forward and a backward pointer.
file | lockerror.c [code] |
| implementation and definitions for error-handling on low-level locking
file | lockerror.h [code] |
| definitions and declarations for error-handling on low-level locking
file | luid.c [code] |
| Implementation functions for Lumiera's unique object identifier (LUID).
file | luid.h [code] |
| Lumiera unique object identifier.
file | multifact.hpp [code] |
| Framework for building a configurable factory, to generate families of related objects.
file | mutex.c [code] |
| Mutual exclusion locking.
file | mutex.h [code] |
| Mutual exclusion locking, header.
file | nobug-init.cpp [code] |
| Implementation function for automatic trigger of NoBug initialisation.
file | nobug-init.hpp [code] |
| Trigger the basic NoBug initialisation by placing a static variable.
file | nobug-resource-handle-context.hpp [code] |
| Thread-local stack of NoBug resource handles.
file | nocopy.hpp [code] |
| Mix-Ins to allow or prohibit various degrees of copying and cloning.
file | null-value.hpp [code] |
| Singleton-style holder for NIL or default values.
file | opaque-holder.hpp [code] |
| Helper allowing type erasure while holding the actual object inline.
file | optional-ref.hpp [code] |
| a checked, switchable reference.
file | p.hpp [code] |
| Customised refcounting smart pointer.
file | path-array.hpp [code] |
| Foundation abstraction to implement path-like component sequences.
file | polymorphic-value.hpp [code] |
| A mechanism to allow for opaque polymorphic value objects.
file | ppmpl.h [code] |
| Preprocessor metaprogramming library.
file | psplay.c [code] |
| Probabilistic splay tree implementation.
file | psplay.h [code] |
| Probabilistic splay tree.
file | query-diagnostics.hpp [code] |
| diagnostic helpers to support test related to predicate queries
file | query-text.cpp [code] |
| Implementation bits regarding a syntactical standard representation of predicate queries.
file | query-text.hpp [code] |
| A generic syntactical representation for all kinds of queries.
file | query-util.cpp [code] |
| Implementation of helpers for working with predicate queries.
file | query-util.hpp [code] |
| Utilities to support working with predicate queries.
file | random-draw.hpp [code] |
| Build a component to select limited values randomly.
file | random.cpp [code] |
| Implementation details and common storage for random number generation.
file | random.hpp [code] |
| Generating (pseudo) random numbers with controlled seed.
file | rational.hpp [code] |
| Rational number support, based on boost::rational .
file | recmutex.c [code] |
| Recursive Mutexes.
file | recmutex.h [code] |
| Mutual exclusion locking, header.
file | ref-array-impl.hpp [code] |
| Some (library-) implementations of the RefArray interface.
file | ref-array.hpp [code] |
| Abstraction interface: array-like access by subscript.
file | regex.hpp [code] |
| Convenience wrappers and helpers for dealing with regular expressions.
file | replaceable-item.hpp [code] |
| Adapter wrapper to treat non-assignable values as if they were assignable.
file | result.hpp [code] |
| Intermediary value object to represent »either« an operation result or a failure.
file | safeclib.c [code] |
| Implementation of error-safe wrappers for some notorious C-Lib functions.
file | safeclib.h [code] |
| Portable and safe wrappers around some C-Lib functions.
file | scoped-collection.hpp [code] |
| Managing a collection of non-copyable polymorphic objects in compact storage.
file | scoped-holder-transfer.hpp [code] |
| A mechanism to take ownership without allowing copy.
file | scoped-holder.hpp [code] |
| Some wrappers for coping with ownership problems.
file | scoped-ptrvect.hpp [code] |
| Managing lifecycle for a collection of objects.
file | searchpath.cpp [code] |
| Implementation of helpers to handle directory search paths.
file | searchpath.hpp [code] |
| Helpers to handle directory search paths.
file | sectionlock.h [code] |
| Mutex state handle for locked code sections.
file | several-builder.hpp [code] |
| Builder to create and populate instances of the lib::Several container.
file | several.hpp [code] |
| Abstraction interface: array-like random access by subscript.
file | simple-allocator.hpp [code] |
| Frontend and marker interface for allocating small objects explicitly.
file | sub-id.hpp [code] |
| Extensible symbolic ID type.
file | symbol-impl.cpp [code] |
| Collection of helpers for working with the lib::Symbol.
file | symbol-table.hpp [code] |
| Registry table for automatically interned strings.
file | symbol.hpp [code] |
| Marker types to indicate a literal string and a Symbol.
file | sync-barrier.hpp [code] |
| A N-fold synchronisation latch using yield-wait until fulfilment.
file | sync-classlock.hpp [code] |
| A special implementation of lib::Sync, where the storage of the object monitor is associated directly to a type rather then to a single object instance.
file | sync.hpp [code] |
| Object Monitor based synchronisation.
file | text-template-gen-node-binding.hpp [code] |
| A complement to allow instantiation of a TextTemplate with ETD data.
file | text-template.hpp [code] |
| A minimalistic text templating engine with flexible data binding.
file | thread.hpp [code] |
| Convenience front-end to simplify and codify basic thread handling.
file | time.h [code] |
| Common functions for handling of time values.
file | tmpbuf.c [code] |
| Implementation of temporary buffers with round-robin usage pattern.
file | tmpbuf.h [code] |
| Round robin temporary buffers.
file | typed-allocation-manager.hpp [code] |
| Abstract foundation for building custom allocation managers.
file | typed-counter.hpp [code] |
| Creating series of type-based contexts.
file | uninitialised-storage.hpp [code] |
| A raw memory block with proper alignment and array access.
file | unique-malloc-owner.hpp [code] |
| Helper to deal with C-MALLOCed memory automatically.
file | util-coll.hpp [code] |
| Some small helpers and convenience shortcuts to ease working with collections and sequences (given by iterator).
file | util-foreach.hpp [code] |
| Perform operations "for each element" of a collection.
file | util-quant.hpp [code] |
| Utilities for quantisation (grid alignment) and comparisons.
file | util.cpp [code] |
| Implementation of widely used helper functions.
file | util.hpp [code] |
| Tiny helper functions and shortcuts to be used everywhere Consider this header to be effectively included in almost every translation unit.
file | variant-o.hpp [code] |
| This file defines a simple alternative to boost::variant.
file | variant.hpp [code] |
| A typesafe union record to carry embedded values of unrelated type.
file | vcall.h [code] |
| This allows one to do polymorphic programming in C by referencing a vtable member which contains function pointers to a structure and then calling this 'virtual' functions through the VCALL macro.
file | verb-token.hpp [code] |
| Building blocks for a simple DSL using double dispatch to a handler function.
file | verb-visitor.hpp [code] |
| A specific double dispatch variation for function invocation.
file | visitor-dispatcher.hpp [code] |
| Helper for a trampoline table based implementation of the visitor pattern.
file | visitor-policies.hpp [code] |
| Policies usable for configuring the lib::visitor::Tool for different kinds of error handling.
file | visitor.hpp [code] |
| A library implementation of the Visitor Pattern tailored specifically to Lumiera's needs within the Steam Layer.
file | wrapper.hpp [code] |
| Library implementation: smart-pointer variations, wrappers and managing holders.
file | wrapperptr.hpp [code] |
| Wrapper to treat several flavours of smart-pointers uniformly.
file | zombie-check.hpp [code] |
| Detector to set off alarm when (re)using deceased objects.