26 #include <gavl/gavl.h> 33 using control::STypeManager;
38 provide_GAVL_stream_implementation_types ()
"wire up a ImplFacade for GAVL implemented media streams");
60 TODO (
"any chance to verify that the TypeTag actually points to a GAVL frame type descriptor?");
"wire up an impl facade with the correct GAVL lib functions for the data type in question");
Basic set of definitions and includes commonly used together.
opaque placeholder (type erasure) for implementation specific type info.
Concrete media lib implementation facade allowing to work with GAVL data frames and types in an imple...
Steam-Layer implementation namespace root.
Interface to the stream type system.
static lib::Depend< STypeManager > instance
access the system-wide stream type manager instance.
define and register a callback for a specific lifecycle event.
triggered to load the generic pristine default
virtual ImplFacadeGAVL const & getImplFacade(TypeTag &)
Use an type information struct, which actually has to be a GAVL frame type (TODO), to wire up an ImplFacade such as to deal with GAVL data frames of this type.
Concrete implementation of the MediaImplLib facade to work with libGAVL