44 #ifndef COMMON_BASIC_SETUP_H 45 #define COMMON_BASIC_SETUP_H 52 #include <boost/program_options.hpp> 57 #define LUMIERA_LOCATION_OF_BOOTSTRAP_INI "$ORIGIN/setup.ini" 65 namespace opt = boost::program_options;
91 opt::options_description syntax;
92 opt::variables_map settings;
100 return get (key).as<string>();
103 opt::variable_value
107 __ensure_hasKey(keyID);
108 return settings[keyID];
114 __ensure_hasKey (
string const& key)
const 116 if (!util::contains (settings, key))
117 throw error::Logic (
"Key \""+key+
"\" not found in setup.ini");
Any copy and copy construction prohibited.
inline string literal This is a marker type to indicate that
Derived specific exceptions within Lumiera's exception hierarchy.
Mix-Ins to allow or prohibit various degrees of copying and cloning.
Marker types to indicate a literal string and a Symbol.
Tiny helper functions and shortcuts to be used everywhere Consider this header to be effectively incl...
BasicSetup(string bootstrapIni)
Creating the BasicSetup object performs the initial self-configuration of the Lumiera Application...
Lumiera error handling (C++ interface).
Lumiera public interface.
Represents the elementary self-configuration of a running Lumiera application instance.