35 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> 44 namespace fsys = boost::filesystem;
45 namespace opt = boost::program_options;
58 string searchpath = iniSpec.parent_path().string();
74 : syntax(
"Lumiera installation and platform configuration")
78 (
"Lumiera.gui", opt::value<string>(),
79 "name of the Lumiera GUI plugin to load")
80 (
"Lumiera.modulepath", opt::value<string>(),
81 "search path for loadable modules. " 82 "May use $ORIGIN to refer to the EXE location")
83 (
"Lumiera.configpath", opt::value<string>(),
84 "search path for extended configuration. " 85 "Extended Config system not yet implemented " 86 "Ignored as of 2/2011")
87 (
"Lumiera.title", opt::value<string>(),
88 "title of the Lumiera Application, e.g. for windows")
89 (
"Lumiera.version", opt::value<string>(),
90 "Application version string")
91 (
"Lumiera.website", opt::value<string>(),
92 "URL of the Lumiera website")
93 (
"Lumiera.authors", opt::value<string>(),
94 "names of Lumiera authors, for 'about' dialog. Separated by '|'")
95 (
"Lumiera.copyright", opt::value<string>(),
96 "year(s) for the author's copyright claim")
98 (
"Gui.stylesheet", opt::value<string>(),
99 "name of the GTK stylesheet to use. Will be searched in resource path")
100 (
"Gui.iconpath", opt::value<string>(),
101 "search path for icons")
102 (
"Gui.resourcepath", opt::value<string>(),
103 "general search path for UI resources")
106 ifstream configIn (
109 opt::parsed_options parsed = opt::parse_config_file (configIn, syntax);
111 opt::store (parsed, settings);
112 opt::notify(settings);
Bootstrap and self-configuration of the application at startup.
Helpers to handle directory search paths.
Tiny helper functions and shortcuts to be used everywhere Consider this header to be effectively incl...
BasicSetup(string bootstrapIni)
Creating the BasicSetup object performs the initial self-configuration of the Lumiera Application...
Lumiera error handling (C++ interface).
Lumiera public interface.
string resolveModulePath(fsys::path moduleName, string searchPath)
helper to establish the location to search for loadable modules, configuration files, icons and further resources.
string resolve(fsys::path iniSpec)
use the general mechanism for resolving a search path to get the absolute path of the setup...