Lumiera  0.pre.03
»edit your freedom«
asset Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for asset:



file  buildinstruct.hpp [code]
 Helper classes used by asset::ProcPatt to represent the processing information.
file  category.cpp [code]
 Implementation parts regarding Asset categorisation.
file  category.hpp [code]
 Definition of Asset categorisation.
file  asset/clip.cpp [code]
 Clip Asset implementation.
file  asset/clip.hpp [code]
 Definition of Asset representation for a media clip.
file  codec.hpp [code]
 Definition of a Codec Asset.
file  compoundmedia.hpp [code]
 Definition of an Asset to represent a clustering or compound of several media.
file  dataset.hpp [code]
 Definition of an Asset to represent a set of control data An example would be captured animation data from some kind of external controller.
file  db.hpp [code]
 Implementation of the Asset database.
file  asset/effect.cpp [code]
 Implementation level functionality regarding the Asset representation of effects.
file  asset/effect.hpp [code]
 Definition of an Asset representation for any kind of effect or media processor.
file  inventory.hpp [code]
 Exposing an ID registration cluster as a Meta Asset.
file  media.cpp [code]
 Implementation regarding the Media Asset abstraction.
file  media.hpp [code]
 Media data represented a specific kind of Asset.
file  asset/meta.cpp [code]
 Implementation details regarding the Meta Asset category.
file  asset/meta.hpp [code]
 Internal and organisational metadata.
file  pipe.cpp [code]
 Implementation details regarding the Asset representation of a processing Pipe.
file  pipe.hpp [code]
 A "processing pipe" represented as Asset.
file  preview.cpp [code]
 Implementation details regarding a placeholder / "Proxy" / preview media asset.
file  preview.hpp [code]
 Placeholder "proxy" Asset.
file  proc.cpp [code]
 Implementation details regarding the Asset representation of a media processing facility.
file  proc.hpp [code]
 Data processing Plugins and Codecs can be treated as a specific Kind of Asset.
file  procpatt.cpp [code]
 Implementation details related to "processing pattern" assets.
file  procpatt.hpp [code]
 Definition of a structural asset to express patterns of wiring or processing Processing patterns can be seen as some kind of "micro code" (or macro code, if you prefer this view angle), which will be executed within the machinery to wire and configure the render nodes network, based on the objects in the Session model.
file  sequence.cpp [code]
 Implementation parts of the Sequence entity within the Session model.
file  sequence.hpp [code]
 Structural building block of the session: a sequence of clips.
file  struct-factory-impl.hpp [code]
 Private implementation details of creating various structural assets.
file  struct-scheme.hpp [code]
 Naming and labelling scheme for structural assets.
file  struct.cpp [code]
 Implementation functions to support the "structural asset" abstraction.
file  struct.hpp [code]
 Asset representation of structural elements within the model.
file  timeline.cpp [code]
 Implementation functions of the Timeline entity within the Session model.
file  timeline.hpp [code]
 Top level structural element within the session.
file  typed-id.hpp [code]
 Frontend for a registration service to associate object identities, symbolic identifiers and types.
file  typed-lookup.cpp [code]
 Implementation backend for a registration service to associate IDs, types and object instances.
file  unknown.cpp [code]
 Implementation functions regarding a marker asset for unknown media.
file  unknown.hpp [code]
 Marker Asset to indicate an unknown media source.
file  viewer.cpp [code]
 Implementation functions to represent a viewer or viewer attachment point.
file  viewer.hpp [code]
 structural element corresponding to a viewer in the GUI.