Lumiera  0.pre.03
»edit your freedom«
vault Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for vault:



file  vault/common.hpp [code]
 Basic set of definitions and includes commonly used together (Vault).
file  enginefacade.cpp [code]
 Subsystem descriptor and configuration for the render engine.
file  enginefacade.hpp [code]
 Global control interface for the render engine subsystem.
file  media-access-facade.cpp [code]
 Implementation binding to query for a media file's properties.
file  media-access-facade.hpp [code]
 Abstraction interface to query for a media file.
file  netnodefacade.cpp [code]
 Subsystem descriptor and configuration for a renderfarm node.
file  netnodefacade.hpp [code]
 Global control interface for running Lumiera as a renderfarm node.
file  real-clock.cpp [code]
 Implementation of simplified access to current system time.
file  real-clock.hpp [code]
 Front-end for simplified access to the current wall clock time.
file  scriptrunnerfacade.cpp [code]
 Subsystem descriptor and configuration for a controlling and operating Lumiera through bindings to a script language.
file  scriptrunnerfacade.hpp [code]
 Global control interface for script driven operation of Lumiera.