Lumiera  0.pre.03
»edit your freedom«
widget Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for widget:



file  bin-widget.cpp [code]
 Implementation details of a media bin UI.
file  bin-widget.hpp [code]
 Widget to render a media bin display in the Lumiera GUI.
file  button-bar.cpp [code]
 Implementation of a toolbar with buttons for use in dialogs.
file  button-bar.hpp [code]
 A toolbar widget for use in dialogs.
file  element-box-widget.cpp [code]
 Implementation details of the UI building block to display an ID label.
file  element-box-widget.hpp [code]
 Widget to render an ID label with associated icon.
file  error-log-display.hpp [code]
 Widget to display error messages to be accessible in non-modal way.
file  menu-button.cpp [code]
 Implementation of the MenuButton widget, to display a menu when clicked.
file  menu-button.hpp [code]
 A button widget that displays a menu when clicked.
file  mini-button.hpp [code]
 Adapter to wrap button widgets intended to serve as tool buttons.
file  mixer-widget.cpp [code]
 Implementation details of a mixing desk control.
file  mixer-widget.hpp [code]
 Widget to render a channel mixer within the Lumiera GUI.
file  panel-bar.cpp [code]
 Implementation of a custom container widget to place toolbar buttons into the active docking header area of GDL docking panels.
file  panel-bar.hpp [code]
 Custom container widget to allow placing toolbar buttons into the active docking header area of GDL docking panels.
file  player-widget.cpp [code]
 Implementation details of the playback control widget.
file  player-widget.hpp [code]
 Widget to render the typical playback control element in the UI.
file  switchboard-widget.cpp [code]
 Implementation details of the switchboard to control source and overlays of the video viewer.
file  switchboard-widget.hpp [code]
 Widget to render a switchboard for controlling the video display sources and overlays.
file  timecode-widget.cpp [code]
 Widget for timecode display and input.
file  timecode-widget.hpp [code]
 Widget for timecode display and input.
file  video-display-widget.cpp [code]
 Implementation of video display, embedded into the UI.
file  video-display-widget.hpp [code]
 Widget to create a video display embedded into the UI.