This Debian-Depot is part of the Lumiera build infrastructure. It is managed automatically, based on the reprepro tool by Bernhard Link
The Lumiera debian package
As our whole infrastructure relies heavily on the Git version management tool, it’s only natural also to organise the (debian) packaging with the help of Git. Fortunatlely, there is a nifty tool called git-buildpackage, written by Guido Günther exactly for this purpuse: It treats the debianisation as a branch in the Git repository, forking off the mainline at the release point.
For Lumiera, this debianisation branch is called deb and can be found in the git:/ repository.
To (re)build the debian package
git clone git:/
mkdir pack.deb
cd debian
git-buildpackage --git-upstream-branch=
— here RELEASE-TAG denotes the point in the Git history, which should become the reference source and be packaged into the *.orig.tar.gz. Usually, it’s just sufficient to use master for that purpose.
Debian-Depot for installation via Apt
While it is easy just to build a debian package and then install it locally through
dpkg -i
, if we want to support automated installation and upgrades using the Apt
package manager, we need to build up more infrastructure. The primary reason is that
for any source package, a multitude of binary packages might be built for different
architectures; moreover, we want to support several different distributions.
For this purpose,the Apt package manager requires a precisely defined folder structure,
accessible online via http: or ftp:. For maintaining this folder structure, there
are three concievable levels of complexy:
- minimal layout, manual maintainance
place everything in a single directory accessible online. Use only one pseudo-distribution and call the (single) component '.\' — just dump packages into the directory and update the packages list
- multiple distributions and components, pool directory
this setup is already a full-blown debian depot, just there are some limitations on the flexibility: there might be only one version of each package per distribution, and all different distributions use a shared pool (and thus require different packages to be labeled stringently)
- major distribution or mirror site
similar to the above, this is a complete debian depot, but it is backed by a database and allows for much more flexible configuration and is highly automated.
For Lumiera, it seems the middle option is the right choice: while it still keeps the infrastructure simple, it allows for multiple distributions (Debian/stable, Ubuntu….) and multiple components (experimental, development, release). The mentioned reprepro tool provides this degree of functionality: Basically, this is a fixed directory structure with some control files; the frontent is a commandline tool with a plethora of options and quite some automation- and extension hooks. Internally, it uses an embedded BerkelyDB.
Using reprepro, existing source, binary or comined packages can be added (imported) into the structure with a single command; the files comprising the package are then added automatically to the pool directory and all the indices, directories and GPG signatures are created and updated automatically. Previous versions of the same package are purged, when not needed by any existing package anymore
everyday usage
- import a package
reprepro -V -C experimental include squeeze lumiera_0.pre.03-1+jessie_i386.changes
this adds the given binary lumiera package, together with all sources and the original tarball to the squeeze repository, into the experimental section
- dump out an entire repository
reprepro -V export squeeze
this will regenerate all of the indices, signatures and metadata of the squeeze repository
The current configuration and the state of the Debian Depot index files is tracked is a separate branch in the debian/lumiera repository. (Note: this is a somewhat unconventional setup, insofar the depot branch tracks a directory tree completely separete from the main lumiera source tree tracked by the deb branch; I choose this layout because of the marginal relevance of this depot management; I just didn’t want to create yet another not so useful Git repository…)
primary configuration
Logfile of imports: for Debian/Squeeze
![]() |
some special details to note in our setup
current setup 3/2011
While later we want to automate most of this packaging business, currently it’s done semi-manual. Mostly, Ichthyo builds the packages on his local PC (or a VM) and then adds/imports them to the reprepro — changes are then propagated to via rsync; as kind of a backup, the index files are also pushed to Git.
rsync -rclvz --progress --partial --delete /local/filesys/path/to/Lumirep/depot/