The new emerging NLE for GNU/Linux
State Final
Date 2008-04-08
Proposed by ct

Shared Master Repository setup

This describes how the shared MASTER is set up and syncronized.


We have now a shared master repository in /git/LUMIERA. The public/anonymous git url is git://, for people with ssh access it is pushable at

The repository is maintained by cehteh. It updates daily by a script.

There are the following branches updated from their respective maintainer repositories:

*Automatic up dated from*
master Stable branch, use this as generic entry point. cehteh,
library Support library development cehteh,
proc Render core development ichthyo
backend Data backend development, cehteh
gui GUI development joel

Automatic syncronization is only done for fast-forward updates, conflicting changes are rejected. It is still possible to manually push to this repository to override automatic syncronization.

Please suggest changes for this setup when required (new branches, difefrent maintainers, …)


Instead this polling @daily update maintainers might use git hooks on their repos to push relevant things, be careful not to push cruft or tags (which tags shall be present here is not yet resolved → no tags for now)  — ct