The new emerging NLE for GNU/Linux

Node Graph proposal

on 2/6/2008 Richard Spindler wrote:

I’ve made a little Picture about how I think the User Interface of a yet to be named Video Editor could be presented. There is no central notion of the camera/projector Model, which I think could be added anywhere in the Graphs as a Node with an unlimited Number of inputs.

Automations are not yet part of the Mockup, but could be added. Cross Bus connections would likely not be represented by Arrows in a real UI, but rather the Bus would be adressed by Name.

The dotted Lines mean that one element expands to a different View, for example in a new Window. The same goes for the rectangles with the slashed outline, they represent another View, and the connection from the timeline to the compositing nodes will be by Name, and not by arrows. Default Names would be "Video Track #1", etc.
