Lumiera  0.pre.03
»edit your freedom«
interact Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for interact:


file  cmd-context.cpp [code]
 Implementation details of support for context-bound commands.
file  cmd-context.hpp [code]
 Abstraction: support for binding command invocation into an UI context.
file  drag-relocate-controller.hpp [code]
 Concrete implementation of a dragging gesture to relocate an UI entity.
file  elem-access-dir.hpp [code]
 A service to discover and access raw UI elements in a cross cutting way.
file  focus-tracker.cpp [code]
 Implementation helper functionality to link the global activity spot to typical UI focus and activation changes.
file  focus-tracker.hpp [code]
 Helper to track focus/activation changes to move the activity "Spot" automatically.
file  gesture-state.cpp [code]
 Implementation of a holder and manager for interaction state.
file  gesture-state.hpp [code]
 Sub-Service of the InteractionDirector: Hold and maintain InteractionState.
file  interaction-director.cpp [code]
 Implementation parts of the top-level controller within the UI.
file  interaction-director.hpp [code]
 The top-level controller to connect model and user interaction state.
file  interaction-state.cpp [code]
 Common base implementation for UI state tracking components.
file  interaction-state.hpp [code]
 Abstraction: a component to watch, maintain and guide UI state.
file  navigator.cpp [code]
 Implementation of global interface navigation mechanisms.
file  navigator.hpp [code]
 Global interface navigation control.
file  spot-locator.cpp [code]
 Implementation details of a machinery to move the global activity "spot".
file  spot-locator.hpp [code]
 Navigating a centre of user activity globally.
file  ui-coord-resolver.cpp [code]
 Implementation details of resolving a UICoord path against the actual UI topology.
file  ui-coord-resolver.hpp [code]
 Evaluation of UI coordinates against a concrete window topology.
file  ui-coord.hpp [code]
 A topological addressing scheme to designate structural locations within the UI.
file  ui-location-solver.hpp [code]
 A solver to match incomplete coordinate specifications against the actual UI topology.
file  view-locator.cpp [code]
 Implementation details of a machinery to allocate UI global component views.
file  view-locator.hpp [code]
 Access and allocation of UI component views.
file  view-spec-dsl.hpp [code]
 A framework for configuration of view access and allocation patterns.
file  wizard.cpp [code]
 Implementation of the global help controller to show the user manual.
file  wizard.hpp [code]
 Global help controller.
file  work-site-trail.cpp [code]
 Implementation aspects regarding a history of visited work sites.
file  work-site-trail.hpp [code]
 History of work sites visited by the user in recent past.
file  work-site.cpp [code]
 Implementation aspects of the WorkSite abstraction.
file  work-site.hpp [code]
 Represent a place "in" the interface where the user is about to do something.