Lumiera  0.pre.03
»edit your freedom«
TestSource Member List

This is the complete list of members for TestSource, including all inherited members.

buffer_ (defined in TestSource)TestSourceprivate
build(IterSource &sourceImpl)IterSource< CStr >inlinestatic
build(IterSource *sourceImplObject)IterSource< CStr >inlinestatic
current_ (defined in TestSource)TestSourceprivate
DataHandle typedef (defined in IterSource< CStr >)IterSource< CStr >protected
disconnect()IterSource< CStr >inlineprotectedvirtual
EMPTY_SOURCEIterSource< CStr >static
firstResult() overrideTestSourceinlineprivatevirtual
nextResult(Pos &pos) overrideTestSourceinlineprivatevirtual
NonCopyable()=default (defined in NonCopyable)NonCopyableprivate
NonCopyable(NonCopyable const &)=delete (defined in NonCopyable)NonCopyableprivate
operator string() constIterSource< CStr >inlinevirtual
operator=(NonCopyable const &)=delete (defined in NonCopyable)NonCopyableprivate
pointer typedef (defined in IterSource< CStr >)IterSource< CStr >
Pos typedef (defined in IterSource< CStr >)IterSource< CStr >protected
reference typedef (defined in IterSource< CStr >)IterSource< CStr >
TestSource(uint num) (defined in TestSource)TestSourceinline
value_type typedef (defined in IterSource< CStr >)IterSource< CStr >
~IterSource() (defined in IterSource< CStr >)IterSource< CStr >inlinevirtual
~NonCopyable()=default (defined in NonCopyable)NonCopyableprivate